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Item B: URA - West Broadway Preliminary Financing Plan
City of Eugene
Council Agendas 2007
CC Agenda - 05/29/07 Work Session
Item B: URA - West Broadway Preliminary Financing Plan
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City Council
Agenda Item Summary
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<br />The preliminary finance plan is included as Attachment B. It includes a variety of financing sources, <br />such as a HUD Section 108 Loan, a BEDI grant, urban renewal revenue bonds and cash contributions, <br />Downtown Revitalization Loan Program funds, HOME Investment Partnership Program (HOME) funds, <br />and general funds or general fund guarantee. <br /> <br />The finance plan assumes that the City’s financial participation in this public/private partnership will <br />consist of several items. There would likely be some contribution towards the land acquisition and <br />public site-related costs (utilities, sidewalks, etc.). The City would be asked to pay for a publicly owned <br />parking garage. For the housing portions of the project, the developers may request a low-income hous- <br />ing loan, which would be repaid over time. They may also request a 10-year Multi-Unit Property Tax <br />Exemption or a 20-year low-income housing exemption. (This information is speculative, because the <br />City and the developers have not yet negotiated specific financial arrangements.) <br /> <br />The URA is not asked to make any decisions about the finance plan or the assumed City/URA financial <br />participation at this time. The preliminary finance plan is presented for the purpose of informing the <br />agency about the potential financial actions that may be needed for accomplishing the downtown <br />development project. <br /> <br />Downtown Urban Renewal Plan Amendments <br />Today’s requested action is to forward the possible amendments to the Downtown Urban Renewal Plan <br />to the Planning Commission and overlapping taxing districts for their review and input prior to holding <br />a public hearing before the City Council. Urban renewal is an important tool to be used to fund the <br />City’s contribution to the West Broadway public/private partnership and the amendment process is <br />necessary to accommodate this project. <br />Three potential amendments to the Downtown Urban Renewal Plan are being proposed at this time: <br />(i) increase maximum indebtedness by $95 million, for a total of $128 million; (ii) extend the <br />termination date from June 30, 2024, to June 30, 2030; and (iii) expand the boundaries of the district in <br />two directions to incorporate portions of the Eugene Clinic area and the Lane County Annex area. <br /> <br />The first two amendments, increasing the maximum indebtedness and extending the termination date, <br />are necessary to allow the Urban Renewal Agency to increase its financial capacity to fund a large <br />project such as the West Broadway redevelopment effort. “Maximum indebtedness” is a spending cap <br />for all expenditures in the district beginning in FY99 and is required by Oregon statutes. The current <br />“maximum indebtedness” of $33 million has nearly been fully spent, with the bulk spent on the library. <br />Adopting a “maximum indebtedness” figure does not authorize or obligate the district to enter into <br />debt. <br /> Rather, it allows the current and future URA Boards to have the ability to fund projects over time, <br />either with cash or by issuing debt. Extending the termination date allows the agency to issue debt with <br />a 20-year repayment schedule, which maximizes the ability of the agency to pay for a large-scale <br />development project. <br /> <br />The third proposed amendment is a boundary expansion. This type of plan change requires a fairly <br />lengthy and involved substantial amendment process. Because the URA is going through the substantial <br />amendment process to increase maximum indebtedness at this time, staff recommends that the agency <br />also consider a boundary expansion. Three options are shown for expansion areas, and staff <br />recommends an option that captures two areas contiguous to the current district. <br /> <br />Additional information about each of the proposed plan amendments is included in the attachments. <br />Attachment C includes an explanation of each of the three proposed plan amendments. Attachment D <br /> L:\CMO\2007 Council Agendas\M070529\S070529B.doc <br />
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