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CC Minutes - 02/08/99 WS
City of Eugene
Council Minutes
CC Minutes - 02/08/99 WS
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City Council Minutes
Work Session
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criteria, followed by the matching grant program, organizing dormant areas, boundary changes, <br />and refinement plan for all neighborhoods. <br /> <br />Ms. Nathanson identified her priorities as follows: newsletter funding (or some sort of citywide <br />report to the citizens); the matching grant program; and boundary changes. She made several <br />suggestions as well: a liaison program between neighborhood organizations and service clubs or <br />youth groups for hand-delivery of newsletters; other sources for matching funds, e.g., within other <br />departments or donations from the private sector. <br /> <br />Ms. Taylor's first priority was a citywide newsletter in addition to the neighborhood newsletter, <br />followed by boundary changes and revitalizing active neighborhood standards. She was not in <br />favor of distributing newsletters in the local paper, saying many people toss out the inserts <br />without reviewing them. <br /> <br />Mr. Lee asked Mr. Farmer to share his vision of the program at some point. He expressed <br />appreciation for the City's website, calling it "quite excellent." Responding to his questions, Mr. <br />Weinman said the $100,000 cost estimate for the matching grant program was for one year and <br />neighborhood projects included a wide range of things, from art projects and playgrounds to <br />traffic diverters. Mr. Lee pointed out that a majority of City services are delivered at the <br />neighborhood level and the program offered an opportunity to create a vision for a community- <br />based government that empowers the community to help in using resources more efficiently. He <br />said it also provides an opportunity to garner support for major projects such as TransPlan. <br /> <br />The council returned its attention to the mission statement, agreeing with Mr. Weinman's <br />suggestion to add the word "association" after neighborhood in the last bullet. The statement <br />was not adopted and it was understood that the council would have other opportunities to refine <br />the language. <br /> <br />Councilors used dots to show their priorities of redesign options. The results are represented in <br />the following tables: <br /> <br />MINUTES--Eugene City Council February 8, 1999 Page 3 <br /> 5:30 p.m. <br /> <br /> <br />
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