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CC MInutes - 02/17/99 WS
City of Eugene
Council Minutes
CC MInutes - 02/17/99 WS
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City Council Minutes
Work Session
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Mr. Kelly moved, seconded by Mr. Rayor, to amend the motion to include a <br /> sunset date of April 30, 2001, to provide time for staff to gather definitive data <br /> regarding the impact of the ordinances on crime and the use of the <br /> ordinances, and to mandate a council review of the ordinances at that time. <br /> <br />Mr. Lee arrived at the meeting at 11:39 a.m. <br /> <br />Mr. Meisner express support for the amendment to the motion as it mandated a review of the <br />ordinances. <br /> <br /> The motion to amend passed, 7:1; Mr. Lee voting no. <br /> <br />Ms. Taylor indicated she would have proposed a one-year sunset had not Mr. Kelly acted first. <br /> <br /> The main motion as amended passed, 7:1; Mr. Lee voting no. <br /> <br /> Mr. Meisner moved, seconded by Ms. Nathanson, to amend the existing <br /> Ordinance to add willful violations which applies only to repeat violations of <br /> the mall rules, not the first violation of any given rule. <br /> <br />Mr. Kelly indicated he was strongly in opposition to the inclusion of the mall rules in the <br />ordinance. He said that he also opposed the motion because he respected the integrity of <br />Eugene's body of law. Criminal process and punishment should be proportional to the crime. He <br />believed that to exclude someone for sign holding on the mall twice, for example, was excessive. <br />Also, Mr. Kelly objected to the fact that exclusions was issued upon arrest rather than upon <br />conviction. <br /> <br />Mr. Rayor said he would oppose the motion. He said that if the council continued to need <br />assurances that the ordinance would be enforced on the basis of a person's actions rather than <br />appearance he did not think the argument for including the mall rules was very powerful. <br /> <br />Mr. Meisner said he was also opposed to the motion. He was not persuaded of the necessity of <br />including the rules. <br /> <br />Mr. Farr asked what sanctions currently existed for violations of the mall rules. Officer Fellman <br />said that people received a verbal warning or citation of $50; the second violation could also <br />involve written or verbal warning, citation or arrest, with a bail amount of $150. <br /> <br />Mr. Fart indicated he would also oppose the motion because he perceived there could be a <br />potential problem with residents' civil liberties and due process. He believed that the City would <br />be "stepping around" due process with this approach, particularly as there were sanctions in <br />place already for wilful violations of the mall rules. <br /> <br />Mr. Lee concurred with those speaking in opposition to the motion. He said that the approach did <br />not solve the problem it was intended to address. He said that the City should instead be <br />connecting with the population of youth hanging on the mall and help them get off the mall. <br /> <br />Ms. Nathanson said that what the council previously put in place on the mall had worked with a <br />coordinated department approach. Given the council's serious reservations and notable <br /> <br />MINUTES--Eugene City Council February 17, 1999 Page 2 <br />11:30 a.m. <br /> <br /> <br />
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