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Item A: City Council Goal - Downtown Initiative Action Plan
City of Eugene
Council Agendas 2007
CC Agenda - 07/11/07 Work Session
Item A: City Council Goal - Downtown Initiative Action Plan
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7/5/2007 4:51:16 PM
City Council
Agenda Item Summary
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<br />Teamwork: A revitalized Downtown starts with strong and visible leadership from the City Council. <br /> <br />? <br />It builds with enthusiasm and support in the form of ambassadorship from the City Council <br />Downtown Goal Team, all City of Eugene employees, stakeholders and citizens. <br />Communication: Elected and appointed officials and City staff provide opportunities for public <br /> <br />? <br />involvement to influence, support and reaffirm the vision for a revitalized Downtown. Vision, <br />planning and action updates are disseminated with clarity and frequency to internal and external <br />audiences through City communications staff. <br />Commitment: A long-term planning focus will provide stability and support in reaching the ultimate <br /> <br />? <br />goal of a thriving city center in Downtown Eugene. Short-term goals will focus the determination to <br />initiate and follow through with appropriate actions. <br /> <br />Given the potential scope and breadth of this initiative, and the actions and tasks that will be required, <br />the CC Downtown Goal Team is proposing a five-year planning horizon. The CC Downtown Goal <br />Team will seize every opportunity to implement strategies identified in the Eugene Downtown Plan with <br />the overall goal of facilitating a significant revitalization of the downtown core. <br /> <br /> <br />RELATED CITY POLICIES <br />Eugene City Council Vision and Values <br />The City Council’s adopted vision and values include the following elements: Preserve our physical <br />assets and natural resources. We will sustain our pristine water, clean air, beautiful parks and open <br />spaces, livable and safe neighborhoods, and foster a vibrant downtown, including a stable infrastructure; <br />and encourage a strong vibrant economy, fully utilizing our educational and cultural assets. We will <br />ensure that every person can achieve financial security, enjoy the fruits of their labor, and operate with a <br />sustainable economic structure where business thrives. <br /> <br />Council Goal - Downtown Initiative <br />Facilitate significant revitalization of the downtown core. <br /> <br />Eugene Downtown Plan <br />All of the policies in the Downtown Plan support the vision of downtown as a strong, vibrant urban <br />center, our civic center, and the economic, cultural and governmental focus of the region. <br /> <br />Downtown Eugene Public Safety Action Plan (DEPSAP) <br />The DEPSAP was created in support of two objectives from the Eugene Downtown Plan: 1) reinforcing <br />downtown Eugene as a strong regional employment-based center; and 2) strengthening downtown as a <br />cultural center and gathering place for community activities. It was also developed to complement the <br />broader policy document with specific community-oriented policing strategies for the downtown core. <br /> <br /> <br />Growth Management Policies <br /> Policy 1: Support the existing Eugene Urban Growth Boundary by taking actions to increase <br /> density and using existing vacant and under-used land within the boundary more <br /> efficiently. <br /> Policy 2: Encourage in-fill, mixed-use, redevelopment, and higher density development. <br /> Policy 3: Encourage a mix of business and residential uses downtown using incentives and zoning. <br /> Policy 10: Encourage the creation of transportation-efficient land use patterns and implementation <br /> of nodal development concepts. <br />L:\CMO\2007 Council Agendas\M070711\S070711A.doc <br />
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