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CC Minutes - 03/15/99 WS
City of Eugene
Council Minutes
CC Minutes - 03/15/99 WS
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City Council Minutes
Work Session
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identify their comments as personal positions and not those held by the council, unless the <br />councilor is there to represent the City's position. <br /> <br />Ms. Walston noted two changes to new Section 10, Council Expenses: 1) the word "from" has <br />been substituted for "in" in the last sentence of the first paragraph; and 2) the last paragraph is <br />new. She explained that the new paragraph codifies the practices that the council has adopted <br />related to travel. <br /> <br />Mr. Kelly asked that "from" also be substituted for "in" under Local Expenses in the last <br />paragraph of that section. <br /> <br />In response to a question from Ms. Nathanson regarding a cap on expenses, Mr. Johnson said <br />that if the annual travel allowance were to be allocated per councillor it would be around $2,400 <br />per councilor, which is about two trips. He said he hesitated officially putting a cap per individual <br />and wished to remain flexible. Some councilors who do not travel as much could be "trading" <br />travel expenses. <br /> <br />Addressing a question from Ms. Taylor, Mr. Johnson said the limit was not intended to apply to <br />trips related to service on the National League of Cities. <br /> <br />Mr. Meisner noted an inconsistency in the amount reimbursed from petty cash. Ms. Walston will <br />amend the guideline, which reimburses expenses under $50 out of Petty Cash. <br /> <br />In response to a question from Mr. Pap~, Mr. Johnson said staff kept track of each councilor's <br />expenditures and those are made available on request. <br /> <br />The council adopted new Section 10 by consensus. <br /> <br />New Section 11, Ethics Reporting, with no proposed changes, was adopted by consensus. Ms. <br />Walston will correct the typographic error. <br /> <br />Ms. Walston indicated minor changes to Section XII, Seating Arrangements. Mr. Kelly pointed <br />out an error, noting that under April, Councilor D was represented twice and Councilor C not at <br />all. The section was adopted by general consensus. <br /> <br />Mr. Kelly wondered if the council wanted to codify the unwritten policy of limiting staff <br />presentations to 15 minutes, allowing for some flexibility. Mr. Johnson said a section addressing <br />that would be added. <br /> <br />Committees of the Council <br />Mr. Meisner expressed concern that there seemed to be a pattern of council committees <br />increasing in number regularly, occasionally with designated council representation, without <br />consultation or notification to the council. He said the council needed to discuss the five <br />committees established in 1997, although most have informally sunseted. He did not find the <br />language in the ground rules problematic but said the council needed to discuss how they <br />applied to creation and continuity of committees. <br /> <br />Mr. Kelly said the council could exercise most control over internal committees and his <br />preference was that the general presumption was not to form internal committees; that most <br />issues, if worthy of discussion, are worthy of discussion in the full council, with the exception of a <br /> <br />Minutes--Eugene City Council March 15, 1999 Page 3 <br /> 5:30 p.m. <br /> <br /> <br />
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