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Item 3: Ordinance on Downtown Urban Renewal Plan Amendments
City of Eugene
Council Agendas 2007
CC Agenda - 07/16/07 Public Hearing
Item 3: Ordinance on Downtown Urban Renewal Plan Amendments
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6/9/2010 12:44:23 PM
Creation date
7/13/2007 9:29:16 AM
City Council
Agenda Item Summary
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<br /> <br />figure does not authorize or obligate the district to enter into debt. Rather, it allows current and future <br />Urban Renewal Agency (URA) Boards to have the ability to fund projects over time, either with cash or <br />by issuing debt. Extending the termination date allows the URA to issue debt with a 20-year repayment <br />schedule, which maximizes the ability of the URA to contribute to a large-scale development effort such <br />as the West Broadway redevelopment project. <br /> <br />This proposed amendment enables urban renewal financing to assist the West Broadway Redevelopment <br />Project. The council was presented with a preliminary finance plan in May. Urban renewal funds, a <br />federal BEDI grant and a HUD Section 108 Loan were identified as potential resources that could be <br />used for this project. The preliminary financing plan assumes that the City’s financial participation in <br />this public/private partnership will consist of several types of expenditures. There would likely be some <br />contribution towards the land acquisition and public site-related costs (utilities, sidewalks, etc.). The <br />City would most likely be asked to pay for a publicly-owned parking garage. For the housing portions <br />of the project, the developers may request a low-income housing loan, which would be repaid over time. <br />They may also request a 10-year Multi-Unit Property Tax Exemption or a 20-year low-income housing <br />exemption. (This information is speculative because the City and the developers have not yet negotiated <br />specific financial arrangements.) <br /> <br />Increasing the maximum indebtedness and extending the termination date are necessary to allow the <br />Urban Renewal Agency to increase its financial capacity to fund the City’s anticipated financial <br />participation in the West Broadway redevelopment effort. <br /> <br />City Council action on the plan amendments is scheduled for August 13, 2007. This timeline enables <br />the amendments to take effect in a timely manner to assist the West Broadway Redevelopment Project. <br /> <br /> <br />RELATED CITY POLICIES <br />The redevelopment of West Broadway is related to one of the 2007-2008 City Council Goals: <br /> – <br />Downtown InitiativeFacilitate significant revitalization of downtown core. Downtown development <br />is guided by policies in the Downtown Plan and Growth Management Policies (#1, 2, 3, 10, and 14). In <br />particular, the Downtown Plan includes policies that state that the City should: <br /> <br />? <br />Actively pursue public/private development opportunities to achieve the vision for an active, vital, <br />growing downtown; and <br />? <br />Use downtown development tools and incentives to encourage development that provides character <br />and density downtown. <br /> <br />A number of financial policies would guide the creation of the final economic development finance plan, <br />including the City’s debt policies. <br /> <br /> <br />COUNCIL OPTIONS <br /> <br />Following the Public Hearing, the council can adopt the plan as proposed, decline to amend the plan or <br />adopt different amendments than proposed. <br /> <br /> L:\CMO\2007 Council Agendas\M070716\S0707163.doc <br /> <br />
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