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CC Minutes - 04/12/99 WS
City of Eugene
Council Minutes
CC Minutes - 04/12/99 WS
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City Council Minutes
Work Session
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is not needed. Ms. Mann said she is devastated that the fields, which so many people have <br />worked hard to improve, will be destroyed and turned into a runway. <br /> <br />Rocky Gothard, 1371 Sunny Drive, read into the record the following letter he wrote to the <br />Secretary of the Department of Veteran's Affairs: "It was nice for you to take time with your busy <br />schedule to visit with our reception in Washington, D.C. last week. Thanks for the praise you <br />gave us for helping with this year's VA Budget. During our conversation, I explained a few <br />problems of the new VA clinic in Eugene, Oregon. First, a state-of-the-art clinic for handicapped- <br />accessible inside, but not outside. Second, we have a waiting list from 250-300 patients with <br />little or no chance to get an appointment until well into the year 2000. Third, our homeless <br />program is feeding 30-60 homeless veterans each day. This is being done with only four chairs, <br />a table, and an additional nine other chairs. I am enclosing a few pictures of the route clients in <br />wheelchairs or on foot have to use. When the clinic was built, something was forgotten: how to <br />get to it. The only route by foot is through potholes or on the road. There are no sidewalks in, <br />just the alley or the driveway. As you can see, that is not good enough for disabled veterans to <br />get in or out. The clinic is less than a year old and already has more clients than the current <br />doctors can handle. The waiting list has been from around 250-320 veterans since December of <br />1998. We need more staff for this clinic also. When the clinic was built, it was built to handle <br />urgent care. Just one thing, the VA didn't add any full-time staff for this, so the veterans in one of <br />the most populated per-capita counties in the country still have to travel more than 100 miles to <br />Portland or Roseburg hospitals for urgent care. We spend more time and money traveling than <br />we spend getting the services we need. I have been cooking for the homeless program since we <br />opened the new clinic. We feed on the average 30-35 homeless vets each day, peaking at times <br />to 60 or so. We only have one table with four chairs and nine other chairs. This is just not <br />enough room for the veterans to enjoy the lunch. Standing and holding one's plate may fill an <br />empty belly, but is neither comfortable nor appropriate. Sincerely, Rocky Gothard, President of <br />Vietnam Veterans of America, Oregon State Council." Mr. Gothard submitted to the councilors a <br />photo of the clinic and surrounding area, requesting that the City address the access-related <br />issues and that councilors contact the Secretary of the Department of Veteran Affairs concerning <br />the shortage of staff at the Eugene VA clinic. <br /> <br />Mr. Kelly requested that City Manager Jim Johnson direct the Public Works Maintenance Division <br />to evaluate the accessibility and overall condition of the access to the VA clinic. Mr. Johnson <br />agreed to do so. <br /> <br />Ms. Nathanson echoed Mr. Kelly's interest in referring to the Public Works Maintenance Division <br />the accessibility-related issues raised by Mr. Gothard. In addition, Ms. Nathanson stated that the <br />testimony by Diane Mann confirmed her belief that airline service to Eugene is presently <br />unsatisfactory to many citizens and could be improved with the addition of a runway. With regard <br />to the Bond Sports Complex softball fields, Ms. Nathanson expressed concern regarding the <br />following points: 1) short notice given to Bond Sports Complex; 2) is the City "going back on its <br />word?"; and 3) her experience of the level of use of the fields differs from claims in the materials <br />provided to staff that the fields fail to generate enough use to justify retaining them. <br /> <br />Mr. Rayor stated that he was unclear as to the connection between the Bond Sports Complex <br />softball fields and the construction of an additional airport runway. He expressed support for <br />utilizing a straight-forward process to identify and discuss the issues and provide accurate <br />information to the parties involved. Mr. Rayor thanked Mr. Gothard for his testimony concerning <br /> <br />MINUTES-Eugene City Council April 12, 1999 Page 3 <br />7:30 p.m. <br /> <br /> <br />
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