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Item B: Program STP-U Funds
City of Eugene
Council Agendas 2005
CC Agenda - 08/10/05 WS
Item B: Program STP-U Funds
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8/3/2005 2:41:32 PM
City Council
Agenda Item Summary
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· Develop new scoring criteria for preservation projects in a timeframe that allows for the <br /> programming and implementation of projects for FY07. <br /> · Program 20 percent of the available STP-U funds for transportation planning for FY07, FY08 <br /> and FY09. <br /> · Program 10 percent of the available STP-U funds for transportation demand management for <br /> FY07, FY08 and FY09. <br /> <br />City staff developed a list of projects based on the assumption that MPC would approve the <br />recommendations of the TPC at the August 11, 2005, MPC meeting. <br /> <br />Modernization <br />One modernization project, Game Farm Road, is being recommended for STP-U funding. The project <br />has been previously funded through the adoption of the annual capital budget. The major funding <br />sources for the project include transportation system development charges (SDCs), assessments, and <br />"other." The "other" funding source assumed some contribution of funding from Lane County and <br />Springfield. The amount of STP-U funding to be requested would be 50 percent of the project budget. <br />The 50 percent local match would be comprised of assessments and transportation SDCs and would <br />achieve the maximum number of points allocated for matching funds. Overall, it is anticipated that the <br />Game Farm Road project would score highly under the scoring criteria. <br /> <br />The Courthouse Transportation Improvements project was not included in the list of projects because the <br />recent federal transportation bill included the final $1 million needed for the project to complete the $7.6 <br />million funding package. <br /> <br />Preservation <br />The list of street preservation projects represent projects that are anticipated to be implemented over the <br />next three years as part of the City's pavement preservation program. The Transportation Utility Fund <br />would be used to provide a 50 percent match to the STP-U funds to achieve the maximum number of <br />points allocated for matching funds. <br /> <br />The list of off-street bike path preservation projects represents projects that continue the program to <br />replace deteriorated asphalt paths with concrete paths. The System Development Charge Fund <br />(transportation improvement fee component) would be used to provide the local match. <br /> <br />Planning <br />The City received $125,000 in STP-U funds for planning in each of three years beginning in FY04. The <br />funds were used to support the regional transportation planning activities outlined in the United Planning <br />Work Program (UPWP). For FY07 - FY09, the City would request annual funding of $235,000 to fully <br />fund the City's efforts in implementing the UPWP. The Road Fund operating budget would be used to <br />provide a 50 percent match to the STP-U funds to achieve the maximum number of points allocated for <br />matching funds. <br /> <br />RELATED CITY POLICIES <br />On June 9, 2004, the City Council passed a motion that all project lists or funding allocations for <br />projects within the city of Eugene or the Eugene urban growth boundary generated through the TPC for <br /> <br /> L:\CMO\2005 Council Agendas\M050810\S050810B.doc <br /> <br /> <br />
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