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equal to or greater than the average county wage; <br /> <br /> d. The extent to which the company dedicates funds for non- <br /> mandated training and benefits; <br /> <br /> e. Whether the company is utilizing a previously developed site, <br /> including expansion of an existing site, or redevelopment of an industrial or brownfield <br /> site; <br /> <br /> f. The extent to which the assessed value of new investment <br /> exceeds $500,000 per acre; <br /> <br /> g. Whether the company is a small and/or local business or small <br /> and/or local start-up company. <br /> <br /> 2. Except as provided in Section 3, in no event shall the amount of the <br />contribution exceed 25% of the tax exemption. <br /> <br /> 3. Notwithstanding the provisions of Sections 1 and 2 above, the three-year <br />exemption benefit shall be limited to a maximum of $96,000 per job created or $32,000 per job <br />created per year, whichever is less.. Tax exemption benefits in excess of that amount shall be <br />paid as a public benefit contribution. A business whose tax exemption benefit is anticipated to <br />exceed the job cap limitation described in Section 3 shall make a public benefit contribution <br />based on the anticipated excess, with a reconciliation of the contribution amount to the extent <br />allowed by law to occur in the third year of the exemption, based on records of actual <br />employment. <br /> <br /> 4. During the period these Interim Criteria are in effect, the per-job limit on <br />the three-year tax exemption benefit described in the first sentence of Section 3 may be waived <br />or modified for a specific applicant if the City Council and the Lane County Board of <br />Commissioners each agree to the waiver or modification. The co-sponsors' decision to waive <br />or not to waive the limit shall be based on consideration of the applicant's proposed capital <br />investment in the West Eugene Enterprise Zone; the anticipated employment resulting from the <br />applicant's investment; the applicant's commitment to make other beneficial community <br />investments; local economic conditions at the time of the application, including but not limited to <br />the unemployment rate, market trends, and competition for attracting new businesses to the <br />community; the co-sponsors' budget circumstances at the time of the application and the effect <br />of reducing the public benefit contribution on the co-sponsors' ability to provide public services <br />to their citizens; and the co-sponsors' judgment as to the reasonableness of the public benefit <br />contribution in light of the foregoing factors and in comparison to the public benefit contribution <br />paid by other companies in the West Eugene Enterprise Zone. <br /> <br /> ORDERED that the Board of Commissioners adopts the Public Benefit Criteria <br />Scoring System contained in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein, to implement <br />the Interim Local Criteria set forth above, for determining exemptions for future investments <br />made by companies participating in the proposed West Eugene Enterprise Zone, and it is <br />further <br /> <br /> ORDERED that beginning in August 2005, Lane County and the City of Eugene <br />will undertake a process to develop and adopt permanent standards and public benefit criteria <br />for the West Eugene Enterprise Zone. The process will begin with convening a joint <br /> <br />H:\BCC\ECONDEV~BO-VVE Enterprise zone -6.doc <br /> <br /> <br />