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Item 4: Res/November Election
City of Eugene
Council Agendas 2005
CC Agenda - 08/08/05 Mtg
Item 4: Res/November Election
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6/9/2010 12:46:37 PM
Creation date
8/3/2005 3:44:20 PM
City Council
Agenda Item Summary
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If the council takes action on August 8 or 10, an appeal of a ballot title could require the council to <br />reconvene during its recess to hear that appeal. Deadlines for such a hearing would be August 29 for an <br />August 8 resolution and August 31 for an August 10 resolution. <br /> <br />Selection of members to serve on voters' pamphlet committees would occur August 23, with initial pro <br />and con statements due on September 15 (EC 2.996). The Eugene Code dictates that at least one City <br />Councilor who voted in support of the ballot measure serve on the voters' pamphlet committee; up to <br />three are allowed. <br /> <br />RELATED CITY POLICIES <br />The City Council adopted vision and goals include two statements relevant to this item: <br /> 1. Safe Community - a community where people feel safe, valued and welcomed <br />2. Effective and Accountable Municipal Government - a government that works openly, <br /> collaboratively, and fairly with the community to achieve measurable and positive outcomes <br /> <br />COUNCIL OPTIONS <br /> 1. The council can approve the resolution as written. <br />2. The council can request changes to the resolution. <br />3. The council can decide not to place a measure on the November 2005 ballot. <br /> <br />CITY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION <br />The City Manager recommends that no change be made to the Eugene Charter and that he be given <br />budgetary authority to hire an auditor and establish a citizen review board as proposed in the Manager's <br />May 17, 2005, letter to Tim Laue, a copy of which is attached as Attachment C. If this is not the desire <br />of the City Council, he further recommends that the election on the charter amendment take place in <br />May 2006 in order to lower the cost of the election, provide a longer time period for public and <br />community discussion, and increase the likelihood of greater voter participation in a primary election. <br /> <br />SUGGESTED MOTIONS <br />Move to adopt Resolution No. 4850 calling a city election on November 8, 2005, for the purpose of <br />referring to the legal electors of the City of Eugene a measure amending the Eugene Charter of 2002 to <br />authorize the City Council to provide for external review of police-related complaints <br /> <br />Move to authorize the expenditure up to $100,000 from the General Fund contingency account to pay <br />for a special election on November 8, 2005. <br /> <br />Move to authorize the expenditure of up to $20,000 from the General Fund contingency account to <br />produce a voters' pamphlet for the November 8, 2005, election. <br /> <br />Move to appoint, , and <br />to the committee to prepare the voters' pamphlet proponent statement. <br /> <br /> L:\CMO\2005 Council Agendas\M050808\S0508084.doc <br /> <br /> <br />
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