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• Councilor Syrett -asked if Council would have the option to eliminate the primary and just have <br />a single round of voting for Mayor and City Council seats; stated if campaigning season is too <br />long other means can be employed besides adopting an entirely new voting system; agreed that <br />having an executive session on the lawsuit as the City Attorney suggested would be helpful. <br />• Councilor Evans - stated the voters need to decide and the real work should come into play <br />after the measure passes. <br />• Councilor Semple - expressed interest in not having a run-off scenario but is concerned about <br />the costs if they are real; voiced concern about split votes and said STAR voting is fairer; stated <br />she doesn't have a problem referring it to voters. <br />• Mayor Vinis - asked about the implications for Lane County if the STAR voting measure passes; <br />asked if proponents are also petitioning Lane County; stated if the City and Lane County are <br />doing this together it feels to her that is a more straightforward process and could possibly <br />reduce the cost for both; stated if Lane County gets onboard then the City can work with the <br />County on this option. <br />• Councilor Evans - asked if it would be a one-time cost for the City, or if costs would be ongoing; <br />stated this system would provide a more representative way of reflecting the will of the voters, <br />gives more choice and allows voters to support the candidates they would like to see in elected <br />office. <br />• Councilor Zelenka - asked if the City will bear ongoing costs if the City and Lane County have <br />different systems. <br />• Councilor Taylor - stated Council is not here today to decide whether there should be STAR <br />voting and if Council is for or against it; supported letting the voters decide and then finding a <br />way to abide by what the public says. <br />MOTION: Councilor Semple, seconded by Councilor Taylor, moved to direct the City <br />Manager to return on July 13, 2020, with a resolution calling a City election on November 3, <br />2020, for the purpose of referring to the legal electors of Eugene a Charter amendment that <br />elects the mayor and councilors using the Score Then Automatic Runoff (STAR) voting <br />method. <br />Councilor Syrett - offered a friendly amendment to include the addition of cost estimates for <br />implementation, including one-time costs, ongoing costs, and cost savings. <br />RESTATED MOTION AND VOTE (with friendly amendment): Councilor Semple, seconded <br />by Councilor Taylor, moved to direct the City Manager to return on July 13, 2020, with a <br />resolution calling a City election on November 3, 2020, for the purpose of referring to the <br />legal electors of Eugene a Charter amendment that elects the mayor and councilors using <br />the Score Then Automatic Runoff (STAR) voting method, and to include the addition of cost <br />estimates for implementation: one-time costs, ongoing costs, as well as cost savings. <br />PASSED 6:2, Councilors Yeh and Zelenka opposed. <br />2. WORK SESSION: Library Local Option Levy <br />Library Services Director Will O'Hearn gave a presentation to outline options for the renewal of the <br />library local option levy. <br />Council Discussion: <br />• Councilor Syrett - asked why the option to expand to the 4th floor was not included in Option 2. <br />• Councilor Clark- stated the library levy was originally established as a means to provide extra <br />library services and since then, a Parks and Recreation levy and a payroll tax, which is essentially a <br />police levy, have been put forward; stated core service levels are being funded by levies instead of <br />the concerted effort of 8-9 years ago to keep everything on -budget, balanced and within means; <br />MINUTES - Eugene City Council June 10, 2020 Page 2 <br />Work Session <br />