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Admin Order 58-20-21
City of Eugene
Administrative Orders
Admin Order 58-20-21
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Last modified
8/6/2020 10:31:03 AM
Creation date
8/6/2020 10:30:59 AM
City Recorder
Admin Orders
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Bicycle Policies 1: Create conditions that make bicycling more attractive than driving for <br />most trips of two miles or less. <br />Bicycle Policies 2: Develop a well-connected and comfortable bikeway network. Ensure <br />that there are safe, comfortable and direct bikeway connections between residential areas, <br />major destinations, and transit stops and provide secure bicycle parking facilities at these <br />destinations. <br />2. This action will create more space for residents to walk and bike for recreation as well as <br />for transportation to nearby destinations making more efficient use of the public way. <br />3. The abutting property use is residential, and this action ensures that residents can use <br />Gilbert Street for ingress and egress. <br />4. Gilbert Street is a low traffic volume local street. <br />5. This street segment has a paved width of approximately 24 feet. As there are no <br />sidewalks or bike lanes, people walking and biking on Gilbert Street share the travel lane <br />with people driving cars. <br />6. Gilbert Street is not a commonly used path for emergency vehicles. If an emergency <br />occurs during the dates of this administrative order's effect, emergency vehicles will be <br />able to use the street to get to their destination. <br />7. Executive orders of the Governor of Oregon have declared a statewide emergency due to <br />Covid-19, requiring Oregonians to adhere to social distancing measures that can make it <br />difficult to safely travel on foot and bike paths. By reducing the number of motor vehicles <br />using this street segment, this action creates a safer space for residents to recreate and <br />travel on foot and bike, having a positive impact on the public health, safety and welfare. <br />8. This action is part of a special community program in response to the COVID-19 <br />pandemic. Due to the Governor's social distancing requirements and restrictions on group <br />gatherings, the City of Eugene is no longer able to host its summertime active <br />transportation programs that draw large crowds. The Open Streets Program, of which this <br />order is a part, was developed to further the City of Eugene's Transportation System Plan <br />goals without drawing large crowds. <br />On the basis of these findings, I order that: <br />1. During the operative dates described in Section 2., Gilbert Street between Bon Vue Drive <br />and 150 feet south of Wood A venue is closed to through motor vehicle traffic (motor vehicle <br />traffic that is neither initiated at nor destined for a point located on Gilbert Street between Bon <br />Vue Drive and 150 feet south of Wood Avenue). This closure does not apply to through traffic <br />on micromobility devices. <br />Administrative Order --Page 2 of 3
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