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Admin Order 58-20-22
City of Eugene
Administrative Orders
Admin Order 58-20-22
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8/6/2020 10:31:46 AM
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8/6/2020 10:31:41 AM
City Recorder
Admin Orders
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ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER NO. 58-20-22 <br />of the <br />Traffic Engineer of the City of Eugene <br />TEMPORARY PARTIAL CLOSURE OF HAWTHORNE A VENUE <br />BETWEEN HUGHES STREET TO AND FAIRFIELD A VENUE TO <br />PROHIBIT THROUGH MOTOR VEHICLE TRAFFIC. <br />The Traffic Engineer of the City of Eugene finds that: <br />A. EC 5.040 authorizes the City Manager or the Manager's designee to take administrative <br />action to close or open any street to vehicular or pedestrian traffic. EC 5.055 sets forth the criteria <br />the City Manager or the City Manager' s designee should consider when taking administrative <br />action authorized by EC 5.040. <br />B. On September 24, 2009, the City Manager issued Administrative Order No. 58-09-14 <br />granting the Traffic Engineer and the Public Works Department the authority to exercise all of the <br />duties and responsibilities specifically defined as those of the City Manager in Section 5.040 and <br />5.050 of the Eugene Code, 1971. <br />C. By Administrative Order No. 58-17-08, the City Manager appointed me as the City's <br />Traffic Engineer and delegated to me authority to exercise all duties and responsibilities granted to <br />the City Manager by EC 5.040 and 5.050. <br />D. Pursuant to the above authority, I intend to temporarily close Hawthorne Avenue between <br />Hughes Street and Fairfield A venue to motor vehicle traffic, except for motor vehicle traffic which <br />is either initiated at or destined for a point located on Hawthorne A venue between Hughes Street <br />and Fairfield A venue and except for micromobility devices. In making this decision, I considered <br />all of the applicable criteria set forth in EC 5.055 (a-n), including the consideration of traffic <br />engineering principles and traffic investigations. Based on consideration of the applicable criteria <br />set forth in EC 5.055 (a-n), the following findings support my decision: <br />1. This action is consistent with the following policies contained in the Eugene 2035 <br />Transportation System Plan, adopted by City Council on June 26, 2017: <br />System-Wide Policy 1: Foster neighborhoods where Eugene residents could meet most of <br />their basic daily needs without an automobile by providing streets, sidewalks, bikeways, <br />and access to transit in an inviting environment where all travelers feel safe and secure. <br />System-Wide Policy 3: Improve community health by designing streets and paths to <br />encourage increased physical activity by the public. <br />Pedestrian Policies 1: Encourage walking as the most attractive mode of transportation <br />for short trips (e.g., within one half miles) within and to activity centers, downtown, key <br />corridors, and major destinations, and as a means of accessing transit. <br />Administrative Order --Page 1 of 3
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