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Gillespie Bu~e Height <br />Umit~tion Area ap~lies <br />to a`l] property above <br />450 f6et Within this <br />area., buiJdin§s a`re <br />J~m~ted to ~ height of <br />585 feet above mean <br />sea ~eve~ except for <br />Area A and ~ea B. <br /> <br />Within Ama A, buildings <br />am [imited to a maximum <br />height of no mom than <br />595 feet above mea~ <br />sea level . <br />W~th~n Ama B, bu][d~ngs <br />am ~m~ted to a m~mum <br />height of n° mom than <br />588 ~eet above mean <br /> <br /> <br />