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Goal 2: Land Use Planning <br />To establish a land use planning process and policy framework as a basis for all decisions <br />and actions related to use of land and to assure an adequate factual base for such <br />decisions and actions. <br />The Eugene Land Use Code specifies the procedure and criteria to be used in considering <br />amendments to the code. These substantive sand procedural requirements ensure that code <br />amendmems will be based upon substantial evidence in a record established through the review <br />process applicable m the code amendment 'under consideration. Theref[gre, these amendments <br />comply with Goal 2~ <br /> <br />Goal 3: Agricultural Lands <br />Goal 4: Forest Lands <br />The Eugene urban growth bomadary does not include any lands intended £br preservation and <br />maintenance as agricultural lands under Goal 3 or forest lands under Goal 4. Therefore, these <br />goals do not apply. <br /> <br />Goal 5: Open Spaees~ Scenic and Historic Areas, and Natural Resources <br />There are no amendments proposed to the Natural Resource Zone,/WP Waterside Protection <br />Overlay- Zone,/WB Wetland Buf£er Overlay zone. or S-H Historic zones, The minor code <br />amendments do not affect~ compliance with Goal 5. <br /> <br />Goal 6: Air, Water and Land Resources Quality <br />There are no amendments that substantively change the code requirements related to air, water <br />and land resources qualky. These amendments do not affect compliance with Goal 6. <br /> <br />Goal 7: Areas Subject to Natural Disasters and Hazards <br />Amendments to the geotechnical analysis requirements of the code clarify those requirements for <br />staff and the public. These arnendments comply with Goal 7. <br /> <br />Goal 8: Recreationa~ Needs <br />There are no amendments proposed to the Park, Recreation and Open Space Zone or to the <br />PuNic Land Zone. These amendments do not affect compliance with Goat 8, <br /> <br />Goal 9: Eeonomie Development <br />These amendments do not dirninish the inventory of buildable land for commercial or industrial <br />development. These arnendments do not affect compliance with Goal 9. <br /> <br />GOal 1O: Housing <br />These amendments do not diminish the inventory of buildable residemial land. These <br />amendments do not affbct compliance with Goal 10. <br /> <br />Goal 11: Public Facilities and Services <br />These amendments do nor affect requirements for pt£blic fhcilities and services. These <br />amendments do not affect Compliance with Goal 11. <br /> <br />Exhibit <br />Fkldings <br /> <br />Page 3 <br /> <br /> <br />