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CC Minutes - 07/13/05 WS
City of Eugene
Council Minutes
CC Minutes - 07/13/05 WS
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8/9/2005 2:57:41 PM
City Council Minutes
Work Session
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kinds of homeless people, including families, singles, people who were homeless by choice, and people who <br />were homeless through unfortunate circumstances. He asked for as much information as possible from <br />those who were most familiar with the issue. <br /> <br />Mr. Pryor noted that outcomes versus output had been a major focus of the human services providers. He <br />said there were many measurable things, such as meals delivered and roofs provided, and asked how to <br />translate this output into an outcome. He was pleased with the direction the plan was headed. <br /> <br />Ms. Jones indicated that the "education piece" was one of the first steps in the action plan. She sought to <br />define some of the aspects ofhomelessness that Mr. Pryor and the councilors had raised. She indicated that <br />part of the charge to the group gathered to work on this was to identify the population the City should target <br />or whether the City should target all of them. She noted there were a number of myths about homelessness <br />and part of the early work sought to dispel those myths. <br /> <br />Ms. Ortiz appreciated the "quick work" from staff. She acknowledged her need to learn more and conveyed <br />her support for the plan. She was uncertain that one population could be chosen over another. She stressed <br />that all homeless people were human beings. She supported a broad-based approach, adding that it was <br />important to remember that some of the homeless population had mental health issues. <br /> <br />Ms. Bettman cited page 20 of the AlS, on which it was suggested that resources to abate homelessness could <br />cost between $5 and $20 million and said she would not like to engage in a lengthy process that would result <br />in a recommendation for a large expenditure that could not be sustained. She averred that much of the <br />material was recycled from past work. She opined that the council would never be experts on the issue and <br />should refer to the experts in the community and the programs already in existence that were effective. Ms. <br />Bettman felt the council should prioritize the programs and then it should fund those deemed most important. <br />She preferred utilizing the expertise and accomplishing something over engaging in a lengthy discussion. <br /> <br />Ms. Bettman recommended a focus on homeless youth because she felt at that point intervention could break <br />the cycle. She agreed that mental health issues were a contributing factor. She agreed that keeping people <br />who were on the verge of becoming homeless in their homes was good prevention. She averred that the <br />problem had been well-defined and the City did not have a wide universe of options because of limited <br />resources. She felt continuation of funding for the Safe & Sound Program and for the beds at Station 7 <br />should be a high priority. <br /> <br />Mr. Pap6 expressed appreciation for the work staff had done on the AIS. He especially appreciated <br />Attachment B: Chronological History of Home/ess EfJbrts and Actions. He encouraged every councilor to <br />serve one term on the Housing Policy Board (HPB) as it provided a great education. He commented that <br />one could not address homelessness only through housing as there was a strong mental health aspect to the <br />issue. He thought a place to start would be to provide for a networking service that had one number that all <br />people could call. <br /> <br />Mayor Piercy solicited a second round of comments and questions. <br /> <br />Mr. Kelly noted that local history featured a series of pilot programs that had experienced some degree of <br />success but had not received ongoing funding. He wanted to avoid this. He stressed that the solution or <br />initiatives resulting from this endeavor needed to become incorporated into ongoing City practices. <br /> <br />MINUTES--Eugene City Council July 13, 2005 Page 7 <br /> Work Session <br /> <br /> <br />
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