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CC Minutes - 07/26/99 Mtg
City of Eugene
Council Minutes
CC Minutes - 07/26/99 Mtg
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City Council Minutes
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Mr. Pap~ addressed the concerns of Mr. Early regarding the youth sports complexes. He noted <br />that the complexes were not just football fields, but were also for soccer. He also noted that the <br />fields were all-weather facilities that would be used all year. <br /> <br />Mr. Farr commented on the Danebo fire station and its use of the street Mr. Lynch discussed. He <br />called for a council discussion over funding street improvements on a street that provided access <br />to a fire station. <br /> <br />Mr. Kelly thanked Carol Berg for her participation in the July 16 gathering. He spoke in favor of <br />the July 16 gathering and said that it was an example of the way political change and discussion <br />should happen. He also addressed some of the concerns raised by Mr. Early. He said that it was <br />important to realize that more than just football fields were being built. He cited the picnic area in <br />one of the complexes as an example. <br /> <br />Ms. Taylor also thanked Carol Berg and the others who participated in the July 16 gathering. <br />Regarding Mr. Early's concerns over the sports complexes, she said that there had been a <br />significant redirection of funds without sufficient citizen involvement. She called for more public <br />input on the sports complex issue. <br /> <br />Mr. Lee also complimented Carol Berg's efforts. He added that he wished there were more <br />people like her in the area that could help to build a civic infrastructure. He also thanked the <br />anarchist community for working with the Eugene Police to find an alternative way to express their <br />views. Regarding council pay, Mr. Lee stated that he would not support any measure unless there <br />was a public vote on the issue. Regarding the Westmoreland wetlands he stated that the council <br />should take all wetlands issues very seriously. <br /> <br />Mr. Farr also spoke positively of the July 16 gathering and thanked Carol Berg for her participation. <br /> <br />Mr. Meisner called for information on the current zoning of the Westmoreland wetlands and the <br />possible effects on the inventory of residential developable land. <br /> <br />Mayor Torrey spoke on the Westmoreland wetlands issue. He stated that it would be helpful to <br />get a complete valuation of the surrounding land. <br /> <br /> CONSENT CALENDAR <br /> <br /> Mr. Meisner, seconded by Mr. Fart, moved to approve the items on the City <br /> Council consent calendar. <br /> <br />Referring to the minutes of May 26, Mr. Kelly asked that the reference in paragraph 8 on page 9 to <br />the City structure be changed to the City charter. Referring to the June 14 minutes, he asked that <br />the second sentence in paragraph 10 be changed to indicate he was referring to the refinement <br />plan, rather than the Metro Plan. Referring to the June 16 minutes, Mr. Kelly said the word <br />"group" should be changed to "grounds." Regarding the minutes of June 28, Mr. Kelly noted that <br />the footer contained the incorrect date. Regarding the June 30 Joint Elected Officials meeting, <br />Mr. Kelly said asked that the fourth sentence in paragraph 5 on page 7 be revised to read, "He <br /> <br /> MINUTES-Eugene City Council July 26, 1999 Page 2 <br /> 7:30 p.m. <br /> <br /> <br />
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