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Howard Grooters, 650 West 12th Avenue, Eugene, said that commuting by bicycle in Eugene is a joy <br />and he hopes it remains that way. He added autos do cause risk to public safety, noise, and carbon <br />monoxide polutions. He suggested to make the auto less convenient, not more. He said TransPlan is <br />not just about building roads, it is about building a road to hell. He asked the officials to follow the <br />Friends of Eugene. <br /> <br />Chris Clemow_, 25340 Vaughn Road, Veneta, noted TransPlan was not a special interest Eugene-only <br />plan. He said TransPlan is a metropolitan area transportation plan that includes Springfield and Lane <br />County. He added there were not a lot of people from Springfield and Lane County who attended. <br />He said the TransPlan document is not perfect, it is a planning document that will be revised. He <br />added it should be revised as soon as this one is adopted. <br /> <br />Xochitz Hernandez Howe, 2544 Kincaid Road, suggested the TransPlan should facilitate the <br />community's future independence from inefficient polluting. She said it would encourage Eugene to <br />become a leader. She proposed that an updated TransPlan set forth a yearly goal of completion of a <br />number of miles with non-automobiles constructed for safety, and bike paths. She asked for the plan <br />to reserve a particular budget of no less than $60 million for the development of bike paths that would <br />be allocated to businesses in the form of grants or utilized by the city to complete specific bike paths. <br /> <br />Randy Prince, PO Box 927, Eugene, said there should be bicycles to prevent auto traffic. He said he <br />likes the rapid transit part of the TransPlan because there are restricted lanes of traffic that are <br />efficient. He added there should be a toll role where people could pay as they went and taxis should <br />be considered. <br /> <br />Ted Butler, 695 River Loop, #1, Santa Clara, said he is 15 years old and he does not have the ability <br />or option to drive a car. He said there is a large contingency of young people that need to get <br />around. He read a poem that he had composed. <br /> <br />MOTION: to approve the Third Reading and Continued Public Hearing and setting a Fourth Reading <br />and Discussion for Ordinance PA 1132 on December 1, 1999. <br /> <br />Sorenson MOVED, Dwyer SECONDED. <br /> <br />VOTE: 4-0. <br /> <br />Mayor Maine noted that the Springfield City Council will take up the item at its first work session on <br />TransPlan on December 6. <br /> <br />Wylie stated she was closing LTD's public hearing and adjourning its meeting. <br />Green thanked everyone for taking the time to speak. <br /> <br />There being no further business, Commissioner Green adjourned the meeting at 10:15 p.m. <br /> <br />Page 10 -- Continued Joint Elected Officials' Meeting -- October 20, 1999 <br />WP bc/m/99136/T <br /> <br /> <br />