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CC Minutes - 09/27/99 WS
City of Eugene
Council Minutes
CC Minutes - 09/27/99 WS
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City Council Minutes
Work Session
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Mr. Meisner said he hoped the current station was preserved and restored in time for the sesquicentennial <br />celebration. He asked if there was a possibility that additional money would be available for such restoration. <br />Ms. Andersen said that Amtrak is very concerned that grant funds can be used to implement projects in a <br />timely manner as it must report to Congress on the effective use of its funds. She said if the City was in a <br />position to move aggressively on the project, it improved the City's chances of acquiring additional funds. <br />Mr. Meisner wondered if the resolution restricted the City to the area outlined on the wall charts. Ms. <br />Andersen said that at this point the area described was broad enough to leave open the possibility of including <br />the old baggage annex east of the station. Mr. Meisner reported on a tour he took of the buildings and made a <br />public appeal for photos of the original lobby and other interior areas. <br /> <br />Mr. Kelly said he wanted to be sure the property owners understood that the condemnation proceeding was a <br />formality. Ms. Andersen clarified that council action on this issue would serve to authorize use of <br />condemnatory procedure to acquire needed property; however, a court proceeding would be a last resort taken <br />by the City should it fail to reach a negotiated settlement with the property owner. Addressing a question <br />from Mr. Kelly, Mr. Larsen confirmed that all the property in question was owned by one party and in the <br />course of negotiations that party has agreed to continue to maintain the two railroad buildings east of the <br />station in their original configuration and appearance. <br /> <br />Mr. Fart arrived at the meeting. <br /> <br />Mr. Kelly asked which four parcels were subject to eminent domain; and, if the purpose for including the <br />eastern most parcels was access, why was that not stated in the resolution? Ms. Andersen explained that it <br />was not the City's desire to purchase all the properties and the intent of the resolution was to identify those <br />parcels that staff anticipated would be impacted by the City's acquisition needs. She added that the issue of <br />access was still under negotiation. Mr. Kelly wondered why the resolution could not specifically state the <br />portions under consideration as access to be "determined by the design." Mr. Larsen said the identification <br />was usually done by tax lot numbers regardless of the size of the portion of interest to the City. Ms. <br />Andersen said it would be possible to reference access as the primary function for those particular lots. <br /> <br />Mr. Rayor said he believed identifying parcel 4 alone would be sufficient to secure funding, and that as <br />negotiations and preliminary designs develop, staff could prepare an additional ordinance for the other <br />parcels. He had concerns with identifying all six properties in the condemnation proceeding. Ms. Andersen <br />acknowledged that this was an unusual case, noting that usually the project would be designed by this time in <br />the process. She said the North End Scoping Group discussion included access to the train station and the <br />intention here was not to acquire extraordinary amounts of land but rather to work with the property owner on <br />how best to meet the mutual needs. Mr. Rayor said he would then have to agree with Mr. Kelly on identifying <br />the parcels where the interest was limited to access. <br /> <br />Hugh Prichard, representing the property owner, explained that the party was comfortable with the ordinance <br />as drafted. <br /> <br />Mr. Meisner said that the resolution authorized the institution of condemnation but he assumed that if the <br />necessity arose, staff would provide a report before anything was filed. He emphasized that this was not a <br />building project but rather a functional one. Mr. Meisner said he was very concerned about not acquiring the <br />old baggage shed because there did not seem to be enough ticket window area now, adding he wanted to avoid <br />having to expand the building later. <br /> <br />MINUTES--Eugene City Council September 27, 1999 Page 2 <br /> 5:30 p.m. <br /> <br /> <br />
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