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<br />October, 1976 <br /> <br />SUPPLEMENT TO THE NEWSLETTER GUIDELINES <br />FOR <br />NEIGHBORHOOD ORGANIZATIONS <br /> <br />Based on the Neighborhood Organizations Recognition Policy adopted by the <br />Eugene City Council by Resolution No. 2554 on August 23, 1976, these additional <br />guidelines have been developed to explain further the intent of the policy and <br />how it can be implemented most satisfactorily. <br /> <br />One concern that resulted from the newsletter policy \'/as maintaining the indepen- <br />dence of the neighborhood organizations while protecting the public from possible <br />misuse of the newsletters. Since public funds are used for printing and mail- <br />ing and for personnel time, there are restrictions as to how information can be <br />presented. Public funds belong to proponents and opponents of a proposition; <br />therefore, the format of the newsl etters whi~re opi nions are expr'essed must meet <br />the requirements of fairness for both sides of an issue. <br /> <br />In addition to these requirements, the City and neighborhood or~Janizations are <br />interested in encouraging effective citizen participation in which decisions ar(~ <br />made by informed members, v/hi ch means that members shoul d have the opportuni ty to <br />study all sides of an issue. <br /> <br />The neighborhood liaison is responsiDle for reviewing the newsletters before <br />printing to assure that the policy is being followed. The following explanatio'ls <br />are expected to reduce or eliminate some of the problems or concerns that have <br />arisen in the past. No changes in the newsletter will be made unless the editor <br />or chairperson has been consulted. If you have any need for more clarification <br />when problems arise, please call Ruth Miller/Beth Campbell, 687-5009. <br /> <br />The actual pol icies written in the resol ution are presented below fall Q\',ed by <br />specific guidelines or explanations where necessary. <br /> <br />Section 4. Neighborhood Newsletters. <br /> <br />(a) The City shall finance the printing and mailing of neighborhood newsletters <br />and communications, within the budgetary allowances s!~t by the City. Neigh- <br />borhood organizations may raise funds to finance their own publications.* <br /> <br />Exp 1 anati on: The ci ty has budgeted funds for the pri nti ng and ma il i ng of <br />newsletters, allocating an amount based on d\'Ielling units within the bouncary <br />of each neighborhood organization. The neighborhood organizations detenni ne <br />the distribution times, number of pages, duplication process and type of <br />distribution (mail or hand delivered). <br /> <br />If the City funds are used by the neighborhood organizations, the policies <br />(b) (1), (2), (3), and (4) must be follm'/ed. <br /> <br />*From "Neighborhood Organization Recogn-ition Policy, City of Eugene, August 19',6, p.4. <br /> <br />-1- <br />