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Admin Order 58-21-08 -- Removing Parking from a Portions of 14th Ave
City of Eugene
Administrative Orders
Admin Order 58-21-08 -- Removing Parking from a Portions of 14th Ave
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Last modified
3/19/2021 4:05:05 PM
Creation date
3/19/2021 4:04:56 PM
City Recorder
Admin Orders
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1) The po1iion of 14 th Avenue between Chambers Street and Taylor Street is classified as <br />a local street with a posted school zone speed limit of 20 mph between 7:00 a.m. and <br />5:00 p.m. The street segment is approximately 28 feet wide with parking prohibited on <br />the nmih side of the street, allowing approximately 20 feet of roadway for two-way <br />travel. Sidewalks are present on both sides of the street. <br />2) From 2007 to 2018, there were two crashes on this segment of 14 th Avenue. One crash <br />was prope1iy damage only, one crash included minor injuries, and there were no fatal <br />crashes. <br />3) On the south side of 14th A venue, there is approximately 1000 feet of parking allowed <br />along the curb between Chambers Street and Taylor Street. <br />4) Camping on-street in vehicles is creating piles of refuse and human waste, presenting <br />a health hazard. <br />5) Staff at Cesar E. Chavez Elementaiy School adjacent to 14 th A venue to the south have <br />expressed concern for the health and safety of students traveling through the area to <br />and from school and for afterschool or weekend events and have requested that parking <br />be removed from the street (letter attached as Exhibit A). <br />6) City staff prefer to establish parking time limits rather than prohibit parking entirely. <br />However, Parking Fund financial instability means that there are limited staff resources <br />available to enforce parking time limits. <br />7) Prohibiting parking on the south side of the street would be necessary until funding and <br />resources are available at an undetermined time in the future to enforce parking with <br />time limits. <br />8) Activities needing parking related to the school during the day, after school, and on <br />weekends may use the school parking lot and other nearby locations where the school <br />has private parking agreements. <br />9) Removal of parking from the public street right-of-way that is the subject of this <br />Order addresses a concern that public parking there will not threaten public health <br />safety, and welfare, and, therefore, is in the best interest of the public. <br />On the basis of these findings, I order that: <br />The on-street parking area shall be removed from the south side of 14 th Avenue from Chambers <br />Street to Taylor Street. <br />Dated and effective this {~ay of March, 2021. <br />Administrative Order --Page 2 of 2 <br />Christopher C. Henry, PE <br />Traffic Engineer of Public Works Maintenance's <br />Traffic Operations Team
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