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CC Minutes - 10/26/98 Work Session
City of Eugene
Council Minutes
CC Minutes - 10/26/98 Work Session
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City Council Minutes
Work Session
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public information disseminated now does not reflect contact persons or phone numbers and <br />often uses jargon not understood by the general public. He wondered if the quarterly City <br />publication/newsletter would include neighborhood columns. Brian Terrett, City Manager's Office, <br />responded that the suggestion was to disseminate neighborhood information either through <br />regular neighborhood newsletters or the City's quarterly publication. Mr. Meisner suggested as <br />an objective under neighborhood redesign to improve the percent of citizens who receive notice <br />(at their residence) of neighborhood meetings and issues. In many neighborhoods, he explained, <br />there is publication but not delivery and in others, there is no publications for months at a time. <br /> <br />Mr. Lee thanked the committee for its work, saying the document produced was very helpful to <br />him. He said the topic deserves more discussion and hoped an additional work session will be <br />held. Mr. Lee expressed support for the document as a template, adding there needed to be <br />some refinement of the ideas. He suggested holding council meetings in the same room to avoid <br />having the public raise issues that have just been discussed by the council during the work <br />session prior to the public meeting. <br /> <br />Ms. Taylor said she was not ready to vote on the report this evening and asked for more <br />information on town hall meetings. Ms. Bridges said the model for the suggestion was the town <br />hall meetings held for Ballot Measure 47 reductions. Ms. Taylor suggested assigning councilors <br />to attend specific neighborhood meetings and not limit the scope to specific issues. She said the <br />City newsletter should be mostly devoted to neighborhood news and announcements. Ms. Taylor <br />added that her notion of a government academy was a session separate from the volunteer <br />program that educated the public about how government works. She saw this as a way to <br />encourage citizen involvement. Under "use of media" Ms. Taylor said Channel 11 should run at <br />all times and the City should use it more. <br /> <br />Mr. Laue arrived at the meeting. <br /> <br />Mayor Torrey noted that the Metropolitan Policy Committee at its next meeting would take a <br />position on Channel 11 and Ms. Taylor may wish to influence that process. <br /> <br />Ms. Swanson Gribskov encouraged the City to work with existing volunteer organizations. <br />Referring to Kathy Madison's letter, she said it makes valid points and good suggestions. She <br />cautioned against increasing the burden on councilors' time/workload. And finally, Ms. Swanson <br />Gribskov said she was concerned about the budget, adding she favored funding recreation and <br />senior programs over public information programs. <br /> <br />Mr. Fart commended Ms. Nathanson for her role on the committee. He emphasized the <br />importance of community involvement and said the money for the program would be well-spent, <br />adding that his main concern is getting a broader range of people involved in government. Mr. <br />Fart said that, in general, the broader perspective will not come to the council so the City must <br />reach out to these people. He said he was prepared to accept the report and its <br />recommendations as a template, with refinements yet to be made. <br /> <br />Ms. Nathanson referred to specific suggestions about volunteer programs and suggested two <br />other strategies: 1) develop new citizen volunteer opportunities; and 2) capitalize on existing and <br />new participation programs. She also suggested looking at the recruitment process for council- <br />appointed committees as well as departmental advisory committees. Ms. Nathanson agreed that <br />the council probably needed another work session, noting that some of the recommendations <br />have already been introduced and others will require council action. She said one of the things <br /> <br />MINUTES--Eugene City Council October 26, 1998 Page 2 <br /> 5:30 p.m. <br /> <br /> <br />
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