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Admin Order 58-21-16 -- Allowing Two-way Traffic on Fairway Loop
City of Eugene
Administrative Orders
Admin Order 58-21-16 -- Allowing Two-way Traffic on Fairway Loop
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Last modified
4/2/2021 11:03:11 AM
Creation date
4/2/2021 11:03:04 AM
City Recorder
Admin Orders
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Administrative Order -- Page 2 of 4 <br />1) Fairway Loop between Eastwood Lane to the traffic diverter approximately 340 feet <br />south is classified as a local street with a statutory speed of 25 mph. The street has two <br />10-foot travel lanes and no parking. The curb to curb width is approximately 20-feet <br />wide. Existing travel is in the northbound direction only. <br /> <br />Establishing two-way traffic on Fairway Loop will not change the street classification <br />or speed limit. The two-way configuration of Fairway Loop will be one southbound <br />and one north bound travel lane each approximately 10-feet in width with no parking, <br />no bike lanes, and no sidewalks. <br /> <br />2) From 2007 to 2018, there were zero crashes on this section of Fairway Loop. <br /> <br />3) The existing land use along Fairway Loop is predominately multi-family residential, <br />golf course to the west, and undeveloped land. <br /> <br />4) Existing traffic volumes on Fairway Loop between Eastwood Lane to the traffic <br />diverter approximately 340 feet south are negligible due to the presence of the existing <br />diverter. Changing travel from one-way northbound to two-way travel will have no <br />effect on traffic volumes. <br /> <br />5) Establishing two-way traffic on Fairway Loop between Eastwood Lane to the traffic <br />diverter approximately 340 feet south is consistent with the following Goals, Policies <br />in the Eugene 2035 Transportation System Plan, adopted by City Council on June 26, <br />2017. <br /> <br />Goals <br /> <br />Goal 1: Create an integrated transportation system that is safe and efficient; <br />supports the Metro Plan’s land use diagram, Envision Eugene, A Community <br />Vision for 2032 (2012), the City of Eugene’s target for a 50 percent reduction in <br />fossil fuel consumption, and other City land use and economic development goals; <br />reduces reliance on single-occupancy automobiles; and enhances community <br />livability. <br /> <br />Goal 2: Advance regional sustainability by providing a transportation system that <br />improves economic vitality, environmental health, social equity, and overall well- <br />being. <br /> <br />Goal 4: Address the transportation needs and safety of all travelers, including <br />people of all ages, abilities, races, ethnicities, and incomes. Through transportation
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