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<br /> Hem B, the tentative working agenda, Coundlor Kelly requested H wPl"k :,;es;,:;ion on outdoor <br />:"moking areas prior to the pu.blic hearing; sd:Hxhl!ed krr Septernbcr 12. City Mi:m8.g<:T THy101 asked if it <br />'would be suff'ieic:nt to do::;o on the sanle tvening as the action, Cormdkr Kelly re::;pond~\i that he <br />pretcrn;:.d L{) ;,;eparat.e the tW(,. <br />COl..lndbr Poling noted that the July 20 work ~.;e;,;sbn item on conmen:,;at,on for th<;; had been <br /> . ~- <br />movcd to July 25. <br />Councilor B{:ttman reiterated th{~ Police Cnnnn.ission requcstDJr the entire work scssion of July 25. City <br />Manager Taylor assHrcdher that the compensation item would be ;,:;ch<xl:uld for the i;::oundl's regular <br />rneetmg. <br />Coun-cdo!' lkttman concurred 'with CO\lru:-ilor Kelly regarding his request fur a work sesi;ion. <br /> Rol1 caE vote; thc!rwtkm to approve lkrn B, Tentative Agenda, pa:i:>sed <br /> unanimou$ly, 8:0. <br />Regarding Itern C. a res,-d1ltion to form a Local Improwrnent District {LID), Councilor Bettman wished to <br />know if syst{:ms develnprnent charge~ (SDCs) \vnuld be involved in the project Principal Civil EUJ;,rinee:r <br />Paul KJope replied that storm SDCs >.;<;ould be involvd but becm.lse it \'las alo<;al street, tf<lHsportation <br />spes could not be u:..;ed for it. <br />Councilor f.kttman :;;urmi:"ed tlmt City Road Fumh \vere being us<~<.l instead. She ~opposedusing Road <br />Funds H}r such a p:roje.ct hecause she averred the c(nmcil had detcrmined that wch funds ~;hould only be <br />uscdfi:;rmaintenance and preservation. <br />Coundk,r Kelly asked what. llon..asscssable portion of ilk road project tht funds covcred.lvk Klope <br />repUd that in acci.)rdaw;:e with Eugene (.::ity Code, lnkrsedion::..; could not he ass,;:;,;s,;::d, nor could exi;<;ting <br />impnwementi; that had to he "ren:H)ved to fit" be asse:"sl.."{1. <br />City Attorl:wy Cilcnn Kkin explained that hecause Ute item had been puHed, two motions \vould biVe to b~~ <br />v~Jted upon. <br /> Councilor Poling, secondt.d hy Councllor Solomon, moved to <'tppwve th.l.c Hearings <br /> Ot1kiar s ?~fhrl.ltes, Findings andRecormnendatin@ of July 1 J, 2005, Roll call vote; the <br /> nmtion passed, 7: 1; Councilor HeHman voting in oppm.;iLion, <br /> COul1(~i.lor Poling, seconded by (\)und.lor Sok,mnn, moved to. ad~)pt Resoh;tion 4847 <br /> !"'HTning a Local Improvement District fhr paving. eon~trudjng ;;:urb:,;, gutters, sidewalks, <br /> and storm sys.tem on Debri!::k Road from CHntun Drive to Valley Butte Drive, and Butte <br /> Lane from Clinton Drive to 700 feet south, (Job #41. 1 J} Roll <;all vole; the motion <br /> passed, 7:.1 ~ Counci.lor Betnnan voting in oppoi;itiotL <br />CounclJ.or Kdly tdt th~re were ~.;ignific(jnt c~Jnsiderations in initiating the Downtf!\vn Ziming District, a:;; <br />set tbrth in Item E. and requested a work i;ession. City 1\1anager 'faylor indkat~<.l h.i" willil1i;,>Jles::; to <br />schedUle a work sc:ssion after the council break <br />MINt.JTFS~Eugene City Council July 18, 2005 Page 1 n <br /> Regular Se:,;siol1 <br />.................................------.--.--...--..... . ... ................_.._..__..~-------.......~... <br />