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<br /> A'l"l'ACHMENT n <br /> 1\11 N tJ T E S <br /> Eugene City C(}u:n,-~i! <br /> \Vork Se:"sioD. <br /> McNutt "Rol.)n\ City Ban <br /> Ju.!y 20, 2005 <br /> Noon <br />COUNCILORS PRESENT: George Poling, Da'V:id K,-~Hy, Betty Taylor, Bonny <br /> Hettman, Gary Pap-e, i\:ndrea Ortiz, Chris Pryor, <br />C()UNCILOR ABSENT: .knnikr Sok,mon <br />Her Ih)nor t-laynr Kitty Pi<):rey l;:aUed the meeting ofthc 'Eug<;'ne City Council tZ) order. <br />A. ACTION: WcstEugf.u~Eut~rprise 7.hIW <br /> Ms. Ortiz, seconded hyMe KeLly, n10ved to change the dMe Hx Lan,~ County'i; <br /> notiGcation on th(i enterprise z!.me issue, contained in. the motion pasi;M at the <br /> July 28 City CZXl!1;:;:!.l meeting, from JUly 22 to AUg1Ui.t 2. <br />M", Ortiz expbiw:;:(l that the wl.umL.,sioncrs do not n.wet h:~iDre July 22 and su:ggl.~sted that as a <br />matter ofprokssional i.xrurtesy, the comm:ission<::rs 1.1<:: given unW August 2 to respond to the <br />COWlCi!' S l;;oncern:", She then voiccd hop<:: that the City CmmciJ and th.)l<me Board e,f COlinty <br />Connnissioners could revisit the l;:.nkrpriHe zone i::;sue in the near ftlture. <br />M.L Kdly connrlt'uteu that he supported .Ms. Bettm.m1's motion at the JUlY 1& City Coun.dJ <br />n1eeting as it affinneu the City Councifs GOmmitnK~nt to th.) enterprise zone, fIe ::;aid,howevcr, <br />he was pkcn.sed to provide the Lane Comrnisskmers with ~dditi<.nlal time to respond to the <br />cOH:ndl's a;.;~tion. <br />M.s. Heitman t.ommented thatMs, (ktiz's IfH..>!kHl postponed the d~"ddhl1e for the County (0 <br />respond; ho'wever, she pl;;reeived "inknf' inMs, Ol1iz^~.; COn1l:nents that drenmv.)nkd the m!.}(ion <br />of July 1 g i.n order fl:1r the City Council and the Lane r~oard of ('oH:nty Cornmisi;ione-ri;- tn come <br />together and negotiate, t-"h Ortiz concurred that a revi::lit ot'the issue with tIlt' Board wa::; a <br />formklabk g;.xl.L Ms. Dettman stawd ~he wa~ willing to extend the deadline to the <br />commisdrmer\ next HWding in (lrder to provide the-IU the op-porttmity to take ad[.;;m on the <br />resolution of April. 20; hc,wever, she said s.he w:a~., not wiHing to extend the deadline to <;.:ondnue a <br />dialogue of disagn:~emenL <br />t-k Pape ::;tated he did not support 1\,h Bettrmm's original motion.: hmvcv')L h,;: \<;ai; wining to <br />:~upport Ms. Ortiz's motion in order tD rnove the i::;sue for>vard in a (:ongenial setting. He opined <br />that the t>Wtlty had legitimate rea;,:,rms to take its cnm:~n.t position; additinnaUy. he noted that of <br />the eight City Counci.lor~ an.d five County Cormnls:";lonen; debating thi~ i.ssue, cight wi~.;hed to <br />cm1tinue the enterprise zone dialogue. He voiced disup}x>intment that flv!; l1Kmberi; were ::;taHing <br />MINUrES-:Engene City Cuuncil July 20, 2005 Fagl." 1 <br /> W or\;;. Se~.,,,irm <br />----.................--................ . ... ................................................................ <br />