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<br />quiet zone de::>ib'llation by in.>talling sakty measures at all cr~}ss:ing~ in any half..rnik :)kce of <br />. . V;... A <br />tr-acL Mr. Larson then t'Cti;::rn:;d to a map 3,000 i.hct ofrallroad track in the downtown <br />and the Whitcakcr ndghlx)rhoods. <br />Mr. Larsen referred to a spreadshed. which out1int.d eight diffen::~nt .aHermttives to meet the fi.r~,t <br />requiremcnt stipulated in the rules ... ranging in ::;cope .from instaUing a suppkmcntal safety <br />measure at all croi;::;ings toinstaUing ~mprlerne!ltal safety rHeasure::; at two or three crossings. fh~ <br />spoke of alL{.11)Htive safety measures that would m)t re~.,uH in quiet zones:: targeted enii.)1"ccwent <br />and an edtl<'...'l.tion.a! prog,am. tIe said ifthcse measure:., wcr;::: de.cmed effective, the iix:kral <br />Rail.road Adminii;tration (FR.A) might w;;cept them. <br />f:v.kL.arsen exphim..>{J t.hat if Eugene m.d the NatlconaJ lUsk Index level, an annual rcevi.ew would <br />ensue and if the inde.x level d<;:crei.l~,oo, additl'z,n;1! suppkme:ntal. safety meaSUn)~ would be <br />nXl\lired to the quid zone.. <br />l\,1.r. Larsen stressed that the rules \Vcre quite convolu.ted and nn jurisdk:tion had yet gone tlm.lugh <br />th{~ pn..,c:esK th:. said there Wf.:i'C many r.amificatiDns to the instaHatinn of alternative ~akty <br />measun;~s and referred to photographs that illustrated quad gates which stop vehicks horn driving <br />through the gates and require additional deti..."'CtionJprecmption equipment from the. railroad as the <br />j' 'I h fl . < 'M r j 'h h dd'''l <br />appmaC:1 garc must c os<:. . e ore t 1e e.xmng gatC, l' r.. Am.,en, revea .e~1 t,13J t ,e a ltlona , <br />detection aDd pr<:emption equipment reqtrired to iw.;tall (juad gates eould cust $2 <br />rniHiOlL He commented that sllch gak'S would have the !cast impact on a(~joining busine.>ses and <br />would require that the City enter into an tl.!;,.'lecmcnt "'lith thl;::. railroad to maintain them, <br />M.r.L;trSi;m went on to say that, at a mw;;:h lower co::>t, the City could inst.;,dl mt.diaus, fIe <br />~~xpbi:ncd tl~tt the initial requirement to instaU a median was that a street \vithin 60 fed of a <br />speciiit;:;d crossing \.<fould n,-%d to be dosed bef(m~ a median Cl:H.Jld be bui1tMr.. Larsen spnke of <br />the Hilyard at 8th, Pearl at 5th, and Lincoln at :1rdbcations and opined that those thr<.~e sites <br />would he inappropriate for medians due to the requirement to dose the i;ide street He then <br />explained fhat an additional requirement to instal! medians was that <Ill comm.crciai driveWflYS <br />within tOO feet of the cwssing wo\;ld need to be c1oM.~d, In coneh1sion, iYk I...arsen stated that to <br />meet the requircmcnt~ ti.)r 13, "whistle zone," six of the remaining St;:;ven si.tes appropriMe ti))" <br />medians WOUld n~%d to be dosed and opined that that codd he aCi.xlmpJ.1:i:Jwd. <br />NfL Larsen rderred to the railroad inspection leports, noting thcy W'Cf<) out of date fbr Eugene Ml.d <br />hence tht. risk aualy:"i::; fl.g:nr~~ wer<;: n.;;.!t reh~thle. He stated th;;tt ifthcy wereto be taken into <br />account, the City's .Risk lndex level wm:dd be approximatdy 23JlOO and the national figure wa.s <br />17,000. <br />Nt.. Larsen repOlted medians cnuld be bl..li1tbr appmxi111atdy 5120,000. He then noted tbt <br />smne btlsinesses \voul.d be afil:::cted, as they were within 100 tix:t of the cws~.;ing and the City <br />won.ld bz~ Hahle f~1t damages tD tho::;e hn.::;l'nesses, .M:r, Larsen spoke to other ahernativ~~, sw;:h as <br />convGting tWO'WHY streets to (me~WHY and the use of <.l:uaI gaks on the one-way appt' He <br />opined that the most reasonable WQuid be signab; two quad gat<..~ signals would COi;t the <br />City appwximatdy $3 mill.ion. In regard to the Jederal process,Mr. Lam;;:~n n!)kd HUtt the City <br />wuuld be requin..>{J to provide noti.fkation and phns, whicl1 he said \vas a six"l:\l<ll1th proces:..;,Mr.. <br />fi1XS()l.1 thnher explained that any dedgn would nc~d to be sent to tbe Oreg:o:n fkparlment of <br />Tr-.anspcutatinn {ODOT)R.ail Section, which also required (j six.,month process.. <br />MfNUTES.~Eugene City Council July 2D, 2005 Page 3 <br />\Vork Session <br />----_._._.__...._.__.....__....._-...-...--~.-.~-.-.. .... ..........................................................................................................-.....:...:................................................ <br />