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<br /> n........._.nnn_n_ n..........nn ........n n.......nn <br /> EUGENE CITY COUNCil <br /> TENTATIVE WORKING AGENDA <br /> nnnn.......... Sep.te..m.moo...""...r_..7, 2005 00...... 00_00"_ <br /> ~ <br /> iOCTOBER 4 n.......nn....__n_____... .......n..n__ mm......] <br /> TUESDAY <br /> nn........nnnn.....___..,.. ............__n_nn__ <br /> 5:30 p.m. Council Work Session <br /> McNutt Room Expected Absences: <br /> A. InteIViews: Planning Commission and Toxics Board CS/\Nalstoll <br /> -- <br /> ~n'o-nn.............n......-.---nnnnnnn----_,__,..,.. n.........n..__nnn_n_... ..................] <br /> iQ~I9BER 5 WEONESOA Y <br /> 5:30 p,m, Council Work Session n'n.................nn____,.._,.. <br /> McNutt Room Expaded Absences: <br /> A Interviews: Budget Committee r~ ..". CSMfalston <br /> IOCTOBER 6 THURSDAY ........n......n....___nn____..,.. .............! <br /> .n........................____..n____ <br /> 5:30 p.m. Council Work Session <br /> McNutt Room Expected Absences: <br /> 1\ lnterifiews: Human RiUhts Commission CS/VValston <br /> ~ <br /> lOCTOBER 10 MONDAY . .....n..........n..._.___n,..__ ......! <br /> ......................................................n.........__,-,- <br /> 5:30 p.m. Council Work Session <br /> McNutt Room Expected Absences: Plercy. rape <br /> l\, Committee Reports and !tems of Interest from Mayor. City COl!l1cH, and City fs;1anager 20 mins <br /> B. WS: Update on Measure 37: New Land Use Regulations 45 m;ns . POD/Muir/City Atty's Office/Klein <br /> 7:30 p,m, Council Meeting <br /> Council Chamb&r Expected Absences: PiercY1 Pape <br /> 1. Public Forum <br /> 2. Consent Caiendar <br /> a, Approval of Oty Council Minutes CS!Rose <br /> b. Approva! of Tentative Working As-enda CS/Rose <br /> F...,.._......_...__...n...n_nnn..._n__nnnnnn.._n_......_n.............................n..........n...n..n.~nn.n..~...n........n......n..............................n.........__nn____nnnn_n__n,.._ <br /> IOCT06ER11 TUESDAY <br /> 1p,m, Joint Elected Officials <br /> LCOG Spfld Bldg Expectoo Absences: Piercy, Pape~ Kelly <br /> ,A., Coburg Municipal Wastewater Management <br /> (OCTOBER 12 ,..,..,..____..._nnn____UUuuuuuu.........n.n.n.n.~.~.. .......~~..n.nn.n......n....uuuuuuun____n__..n_...__..,.._..._..,..,..,..,...,..,..,.,.......,.. <br /> WEDNESDAY I <br /> ..,.._..._..,..____n_____n___________________________.n_______.____________n______n_______-.___......___,-,-_,.._ <br /> Noon CouncU Work Session <br /> McNutt Room Expected Absences: Piercy, Pape <br /> ** A WS: Ordinance Concerning Chambers Mixed-Use Center 45 mins - PDD/Lo\l'ie <br /> ~r )7 <br /> r.............................. ! <br /> ,Q~IQ~.~~.~.~.......................... WEDNESDAY <br /> NOOfl4 p.m. Council Work Session <br /> McNutt Room Expected Absences: <br /> A VV'S: City Hal! Complex (Council Priority Issue). 4 hours - CS!Penwel! <br /> '-' ---_.....~.............,...~ <br /> !OCTOBER 24- _.-.---n_._.n.UUuuunnun.nnn..n.. ~~..' <br /> MONDAY <br /> 5:30 p.m. Council Work Session <br /> McNutt Room Expected Absences: <br /> A. Committee Reports and Items of interest from Mayor, City Council, and City Manager 20 mins <br /> 6. \NS: Ord. Concerning Goal 5 Natural Resources Study ('/liS: 9121; PH; 9/26; A: 11/'14) 45 mins - POD/Bjorklund <br /> ** C- WS: Anm.lal Meeting with Hurnan Rights Commission 45 mins ..., CS/Rlkl1off <br /> 7:30 pAm, Cotmcll M~tin9 <br /> Council Chamber Expected Absences: <br /> "" item; T::::tentative; A=action; PH=public hl;)aring; WS=work session L"CMOiCC\CCAGENDA DOC <br />