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CC Minutes - 07/15/08 Joint Elected Officials
City of Eugene
Council Minutes
CC Minutes - 07/15/08 Joint Elected Officials
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City Council Minutes
Joint Elected Officials
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Commissioner Fleenor said Lane County was contemplating “doing a Lane County coordinated population <br />forecast” and was looking at the MetroPlan to see whether it needed to be updated due to the passage of <br />House Bill (HB) 3737, Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS) 221.222, and the new Oregon Administrative Rule <br />(OAR) 660. He questioned if this was a good time to take a look at the TransPlan given these activities. <br />Mr. Inerfeld responded that there were elements to the TransPlan update they could take a look at. He said <br />the important thing would be to do things in a coordinated way and to be flexible. <br /> <br />Commissioner Fleenor asked if a population forecast would have “major ramifications” on the transporta- <br />tion infrastructure moving forward. Mr. Inerfeld responded that he was providing the shape of what kinds <br />of changes could come out of the land use planning effort. <br /> <br />Commissioner Fleenor opined that with increasing gas prices there would be fewer people on the roads. He <br />wondered if that would have an impact on transportation needs in the future. <br /> <br />Councilor Bettman asked if there had been an opportunity for the jurisdictions to weigh in on the whole <br />project list. She did not think the Eugene City Council had done so. She averred that when discussing an <br />individual versus a joint update, it seemed they were already doing individual updates. She asked why they <br />would move to a joint update and if they did move to a joint update would it not mean that they would have <br />to have a regional priority setting process. Mr. Inerfeld reiterated that one of the directions staff was <br />seeking was whether to pursue individual TSPs or a joint TSP. He said from a staff perspective it made <br />sense for each jurisdiction to have its own TSP. <br /> <br />Councilor Bettman declared that since the City of Springfield had pursued having a separate Urban Growth <br />Boundary (UGB) they had already split the land use component. She opined that two projects in Springfield <br />were being elevated and offered primarily to serve the expansion of the UGB. It seemed to her that they <br />were already moving in an individual direction and this decision had already been made. <br /> <br />Mayor Volta stated that the City of Coburg had an individual TSP though it wanted to work collaboratively. <br />She said to involve Coburg in the process that Eugene and Springfield go through would put a big strain on <br />Coburg and did not represent what Coburg wanted to do. She thought there would come a time when each <br />jurisdiction would have its own plan, but she wanted to see it expedited as much as possible. She would not <br />want to have the transportation planning process held hostage due to the population growth forecast that was <br />being redone, something she was not certain was necessary. <br /> <br />Springfield Councilor Ballew clarified that the two projects Councilor Bettman referred to had been included <br />in the TransPlan since 1986 and were at least one mile away from the UGB. She wished to dispute <br />misinformation that was being disseminated. <br /> <br />In response to a question from Councilor Ballew, Mr. Inerfeld said rough projections indicated that the <br />regional population would hit 296,000 in 2023. He said if they did a full TransPlan update they might want <br />to use 2035 as the horizon year instead of 2015. <br /> <br />Commissioner Fleenor disagreed that the population forecast could be considered unnecessary. He averred <br />that there were contradictory interpretations of the forecast by the DLCD and local jurisdictions. He felt <br />that doing another forecast would provide certainty. He predicted that if the jurisdictions did this individu- <br />ally they would be faced with multiple Land Use Board of Appeals (LUBA) “claims” and multiple lawsuits <br />in the Circuit Courts. He said HB 3436 gave jurisdictions an option to use safe harbor. He had extrapo- <br />lated that the legislature knew that this would be contentious. He opined that if they moved forward as a <br /> <br /> <br />MINUTES—Joint Elected Officials— July 15, 2008 Page 3 <br /> Lane Board of County Commissioners and Eugene and Springfield City Councils <br /> <br />
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