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CC Minutes - 07/15/08 Joint Elected Officials
City of Eugene
Council Minutes
CC Minutes - 07/15/08 Joint Elected Officials
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City Council Minutes
Joint Elected Officials
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overlapping public safety efforts, but there was such strong opposition on the Eugene City Council that it <br />did not progress. He felt there were a number of different areas in which some of the duplication could be <br />eliminated. He acknowledged the City of Eugene’s police oversight process, adding that he knew there were <br />officers in other agencies that would not be willing to work under the Eugene system. He believed that the <br />PSCC would be a good starting point as it involved the three public safety systems. He wanted to ask how <br />they could come up with a solution so that the entire population of Lane County was served by the public <br />safety system. <br /> <br />Councilor Zelenka reiterated his appreciation for the proposition for the fund swap that Councilor Bettman <br />had made. He thought the discussion about the issue should be at the JEO table but the votes should occur <br />in the individual jurisdictional level. He also agreed with Councilor Poling that a public safety solution <br />should include prevention and intervention. He added his support for cooperation and efficiency and also <br />agreed that they should try not to duplicate services as much as possible. <br /> <br />Mayor Piercy remarked that differences exist. She felt that the county and the two communities could work <br />together creatively to find solutions without losing sight of their differences. <br /> <br />Councilor Pryor recognized that there were two parts to the public safety discussion: the crime and <br />incarceration component and the other parts such as prevention and intervention. He believed that with <br />sufficient funding the two police departments and the sheriff’s office would run well. He stressed that at <br />present the system was “grossly underfunded.” He thought that things like the third battalion could be <br />worked out between the jurisdictions, such as community policing. He said the JEO coordination needed to <br />occur around services the County had traditionally provided, such as juvenile services and court services. <br />He said they could talk about this as a coordinated effort but he pointed out that the PSCC had put measures <br />on the ballot and all had failed. He related that the PSCC had come up with plans and then had not had the <br />resources to follow through with them. He did not want to keep doing the same things that were not <br />working. He wanted to find “a new mechanism” that would address that side of the equation. He preferred <br />to focus this effort on drugs, prevention, youth, and education because he believed this was where the region <br />was “floundering.” <br /> <br />Springfield Councilor Wylie stated that the region needs adequate parole, probation, supervision, and jail <br />time. She remarked that she worked in the treatment field and believed more treatment services were needed. <br />She said some of the responsibility for the funding belonged in other places. She noted that the State had <br />continually cut back treatment funding and area representatives needed to put pressure on the State to get <br />that money back. She related that she had talked to Springfield Police Chief Jerry Smith about regional <br />issues and how the cities could cover the areas that would be affected as the Lane County Sheriff’s Office <br />(LCSO) “got thin.” She said Chief Smith had indicated that the departments were already looking out for <br />one another. <br /> <br />Councilor Wylie pointed out that a person who was wearing a Eugene Police Department badge would know <br />they were responsible to the police oversight process. She thought the two chiefs and the sheriff could work <br />together and do a lot of streamlining. She noted that they were already doing a lot of radio and information <br />sharing. She underscored the importance of being responsible to the citizens and keeping them safe. She <br />averred that there were a lot of things they could do; they could talk about what they needed to place on the <br />ballot and how to get legislators to bring more funds to the issue. She added that one idea she had for the <br />ballot was to provide voters with a choice on what amount of money to allocate to which portion of the <br />public safety system. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />MINUTES—Joint Elected Officials— July 15, 2008 Page 8 <br /> Lane Board of County Commissioners and Eugene and Springfield City Councils <br /> <br />
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