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CC Minutes - 08/13/08 Work Session
City of Eugene
Council Minutes
CC Minutes - 08/13/08 Work Session
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City Council Minutes
Work Session
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Ms. Bettman, seconded by Ms. Taylor, moved to amend the ordinance to add a new Finding <br />D and section 5, to read as follows: D. As required by EC 9.8710, the City Manager <br />determined that the applicant should pay a special assessment for the two vacations in the <br />amount of $482.950. The Council has determined that the special benefit amount actually <br />should be $1,467,171, which is $984,221 more than the amount the applicant has deposited <br />with the City. Section 5. Notwithstanding the effective date of ordinances as provided in <br />the Eugene Charter of 2002, this Ordinance will take effect only upon the applicant’s <br />payment of $984,221, which is in addition to the assessment already deposited. <br />Ms. Bettman, noting that the Basis of Value report provided to the council was not an appraisal, stated that <br />one of the prime pieces of property along Franklin Boulevard had been reduced in value by 65%. She said <br />the reduction was rather arbitrary and based solely on the fact that there was going to be a sidewalk. She <br />felt that it was reasonable for it to be the University’s responsibility to provide a sidewalk and that City <br />taxpayers should not be burdened with the expense. <br />Ms. Bettman stated that decisions had been made between City staff and University personnel regarding the <br />area in and around what was formerly known as Williams Bakery that the council had not been privy to. <br />She indicated there were eighteen parking spaces in the area that generated between $36,000 and $40,000 <br />for the City. She stated that the adjusted special assessment described in her motion was based on these <br />parking spaces generating $40,000 amortized over twenty years. She felt this was a justifiable figure. <br />Ms. Bettman agreed with Ms. Taylor that much of the testimony heard regarding the alley vacations in <br />relation to the arena dealt primarily with the public benefits or lack thereof, but felt that the council had not <br />adequately examined the financial costs of the arena to the City. She felt her motion addressed that <br />discrepancy. <br />Mayor Piercy asked Mr. Ruiz if City staff had reviewed the benefit amounts Ms. Bettman had referred to in <br />her motion. Mr. Nystrom answered the subject properties had been appraised in accordance with standard <br />practices normally used by staff. <br />City Attorney Glenn Klein stated the City had determined the value of the subject properties using the <br />guidelines described in the Basis of Value report provided as Attachment E in the agenda item summary, <br />also referred to as City Council Agenda page 219. Mr. Ruiz confirmed Ms. Bettman’s motion would list the <br />property at 100% of its assessed value rather than the 35% arrived at by staff. Addressing Ms. Bettman’s <br />statements regarding the potential value of the parking in the subject properties, Mr. Ruiz commented it was <br />his understanding the vacations would remove only two double-headed parking meters rather than eighteen <br />separate spaces. <br />Mr. Klein was concerned that the approximately $800,000 increase based on lost parking revenues as <br />described by Ms. Bettman did not address the two standard criteria used to determine special assessed <br />benefits as described in the Basis of Value Report, namely the value of the real property and the costs <br />incurred by the City in the construction of public improvements. He felt that making such a demand on the <br />University would be challengeable and that the University would most likely win such a challenge as being <br />inconsistent with City Code provisions. <br />Mr. Clark, after confirming with Mr. Klein that the University was in fact a public entity as part of the <br />Oregon State Board of Higher Education, asked Mr. Klein what the legislative intent and latitude of intent of <br />EC 9.8710 actually was in relation to its use in arriving at the assessed value of the special benefit. Mr. <br />Klein was unable to describe the original legislative intent as the provision had been in existence for more <br /> <br /> <br />MINUTES—Eugene City Council August 13, 2008 Page 2 <br /> Work Session <br /> <br />
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