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ORDINANCE NO. 19965 <br />AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A DOWNTOWN <br />SERVICES DISTRICT OCCUPANCY FEE; ADDING <br />SECTIONS 3.650, 3.655, 3.660, 3.665, 3.670, 3.675, AND 3.680 <br />TO THE EUGENE CODE, 1971; AND PROVIDING AN <br />EFFECTIVE DATE. <br />The City Council of the City of Eugene finds that: <br />A. The Eugene downtown area is a unique part of the City, combining a mix of <br />services and businesses with such public space as the mall and the park blocks. This <br />produces an area that generates a need for more concentrated management, marketing, <br />maintenance and security related services than other parts of the City. These .needs result <br />from the various occupancies in the buildings within the downtown area. It is therefore <br />appropriate that these needed additional services be supported by a fee tied to the <br />occupancy or use of buildings within the downtown area. <br />B. .Extensive review has occurred to determine an equitable manner in which to <br />recover these special and unique expenses. Property and business owners within the area <br />have expressed support for imposition of a fee for occupied property not otherwise exempt <br />from the fee. <br />C. It is the intent in imposing such a fee that the revenues generated thereby will <br />be expended for provision of management, marketing, maintenance and security related <br />services within the downtown area only. It is further the Council's intent that such fees will <br />be imposed for a three year period ending June 30, 1997 unless extended prior to that time <br />by the Council. It is further the Council's intent that the revenues generated by this <br />Ordinance will be replaced by the revenues generated by a city-wide tax on excess parking <br />spaces as defined by the Council, at such time as the Council adopts such an alternative <br />revenue source. <br />THE CITY OF EUGENE DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: <br />Section 1. Based on the above findings, which are adopted herein, the following <br />caption and Sections 3.650, 3.655, 3.660, 3.665, 3.670, 3.675, and 3.680 are hereby added to <br />the Eugene Code; 1971, to provide: <br />Downtown Services District Occupancy Fee <br />Ordinance - 1 <br />