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~t ~'`` <br />ORDINANCE'N0. 19462 <br />AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING OFFENSES; RENUMBERING.SECTIdN <br />-4.906-OF THE EUGENE CODE, 1971; AMENDING SECTIONS 2:770, <br />2.83'5, 4.01'0, 4.125, '4.130, 4.145, 4.160, 4.685', 4.725, <br />4.729, 4.730, 4.731., 4.735, 4.745, 4.755, 4.760, 4..780, <br />4.805`, 4.905, 4.911, 4.912; 4.915, 4:`920;"4.930., 4.940, <br />4.942, 4.9.60, 4.990, AND 4.995 OF`THAT CODE; REPEALING <br />SECTTONS 4.170, 4.225, 4..280, 4.285, 4.290, 4.705, 4:710, <br />4.765, 4..785, AND 4:790 OF' THAT CODE; ADDING SECTIONS <br />4.726, 4.732, 4:782, 4.806, 4:..807, 4:.808,.: 4.809, 4.886, <br />4.887; 4.888, 4.889,'4.890; 4.891, 4,906, 4.916, 4.9.:17, <br />AN0-4.943 70 THAI" C00E;`AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. <br />THE CITY OF EUGENt DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: <br />Section 1. Subsection (2) of-Section 2.770 of the Eugene Code, 1971`, <br />is amended to read; and provider <br />2.77.0 Municipal Court - Complairits and Citations'. <br />(2) All comp aints or citations for traffic violations and traffic <br />offenses issued`by a police officer shall contain a form of certificate Dy the: <br />arresting officer to the effect that he or she`cert'fied under, penal ties pro- <br />vided in ORS 153.995 that he or she has reasonable ground's to believe, and <br />does' believe, that the person cited committed the offense cont-vary o law. <br />Except for citations for parking violations, all other citations shall con- <br />tain the requirements set forth in-0RS 133.065. Citations for-vi ofation of <br />parking regulat-ions need not be verified by oath. All other complaints shall` <br />be verfietl by the oath of`the person making' he same. <br />Section 2. Subsection (3) 'of Section 2:835 of the Eugene Code, 1971, <br />is amended to read and provide: <br />2:835 Personal Property Sale Procedures - Preceding Sale. <br />(3) If no person appears and establishes ownership of or interest <br />in the property prior to ,the expiration of six .ionthsafter'the date the per- <br />sonaa property has_come into the possession of the police department, the <br />city shall seal the property pursuant to section 2.840;. or upon approval of <br />'the .city: manager shall transfer the .property to publicuse by entering it on <br />the city's fixed asset inventor~~. If the personal property is a aaeapan des- <br />cribed ih chapter 4 of this code declared unlawful to possess by state law <br />it shall be destroyed by the chief of police. <br />Ordinance - 1 <br />