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ORDINANCE NO. 2 <br /> <br /> F. In addition to the above, City Planning Division staff presented the draft <br /> Plan to the Historic Review Board on April 24, 2003, and met with the Board again on <br /> May 22, 2003 to hear comments on the proposed Plan. Two public open houses on the <br /> Eugene Downtown Plan and downtown financial tools were held, one on June 30, 2003 <br /> and one on December 6, 2003. The draft Eugene Downtown Plan and related materials <br /> have been made available on the internet through the City's web site. <br /> <br /> G. Based on the public testimony received, and the recommendations of the <br /> City's Planning Commission, Planning Division staff, and Historic Review Board, the <br /> City Council finds that the 2003 Eugene Downtown Plan is consistent with the Eugene- <br /> Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan, other adopted City policies, and the <br />*Statewide Planning Goals. Resolution No. 3882, and the Eugene Downtown Plan <br /> adopted therein should be repealed, and the Eugene Downtown Plan Policies set forth <br /> in Section 9.9540 of the Eugene Code, 1971 should be amended as hereinafter set <br /> forth. <br /> <br /> THE CITY OF EUGENE DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: <br /> <br /> Section 1. Resolution No. 3882, and the Eugene Downtown Plan adopted <br /> therein, is hereby repealed, as of the effective date of this Ordinance. <br /> <br /> Section 2. Based on the above findings, and the legislative findings attached <br /> hereto as Exhibit A, which are adopted in support of this Ordinance, the Policies set <br /> forth in the textual version of the Eugene Downtown Plan a copy of which is attached <br /> hereto as Exhibit B are hereby adopted as a refinement of the Eugene-Springfield <br /> Metropolitan Area General Plan for the Downtown Plan Area. A final copy of the <br /> complete Eugene Downtown Plan shall be attached to this Ordinance. <br /> <br /> Section 3. The implementation strategies in the Eugene Downtown Plan are <br /> recognized as ways in which to implement the policies, but they are not adopted as City <br /> policy. <br /> <br /> Section 4. Section 9.9540 of the Eugene Code, 1971, is amended to provide: <br /> <br /> 9.9540 Eugene Downtown Plan Policies. A master plan for the EWEB <br /> riverfront property must be approved by the city before any <br /> redevelopment, land use application, rezoning, Metro Plan or <br /> refinement plan diagram amendments are approved for uses not <br /> associated with EWEB functions. The master plan shall be evaluated <br /> based on the master plan's consistency with principles (1) through <br /> (4) below: <br /> (1) Create a "people place" that is active, vibrant, accessible and <br /> multi-use. <br /> (2) Provide appropriate setbacks, deeper where environmental or <br /> habitat issues are more critical, shallower in other areas. <br /> <br /> Ordinance - 2 <br /> C:\Documents and Settings\ceplnxl\My Documents\My Documents\Downtown Plan\DTP CC Ordinance. DOC(02/04/04) <br /> <br /> <br />