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d <br />lI .L. LV Yi LY 4+d:a LV a.I. <br />d <br />RL~I C? I~V~'„~ri' -- ~hTC O INt~L~L.E ~ <br />PASS~l~ J3' `.> N C{7T.TlVCf~ SE7' ': <br />.19 G8 i~i~?D AP? a'.7 7 3'Y' THE 1'O7Z SAP <br />19Ez~3 0 AS sri~ rUt.`pEtt] SIGN C4D~ <br />TIfI" CIT~1 C}F EL~GEI~7E i70ES Q AII'~ RS FOES WS : <br />That i~rdinance No. 15425 passed by the Common Council <br />September 9~ 1568 and approved by the May€~r Septemtse.r l3~ 19~i8 <br />anct kno.dn as tl:e E:agene Sign Code be and thc: same i_s taereby <br />amended as <br />Sectica8 is ~'dtat section 2,32 entitled indoor Businesses. <br />A.3., the first sentence is amended to read and provide as followsa <br />"c~nc roof signs with the sage maximum height and area <br />as specified for a pole sign in number two a~dove. S~~h <br />roof sign shall be mounted so that the bottom of the <br />roof sign is not more than one {1} foot ahovn the i <br />of the roof: at the sign location." <br />Seotion 2. What Section 2.33 entitled t7utd©or Merohandising,t~.,p <br />the first sentence is amended to read and provide as follows. <br />'a~}ne ldentltV a1Ljn .~c}r~`aCh raE?p~ra'I OCClZpanCyB rOC%~r <br />wally car. pole-mounted, not over 1_ ~L-y {20} feet total <br />height a' ,ve grade and located to oetnply with ali yard <br />and sp^^ial setbac~ reguirc.menf.s of the Comprehensive <br />honing 'rnce of the City of Eugener No. ?5158.` <br />Section 3, That section 3 entitled Special Signs, Section3.2d <br />the first ~;er.tence is amended to react and provide as tollows: <br />"'~"he following types of signs, iL entirely located on <br />przvate property are exempted from Sections 2 and 8 of <br />this t.ode." <br />Section 4. That Section 3.2:3 Political Campaic3n Sign:, the <br />secand paragraph is amended to read and provide as follows: <br />"Such sa.gns sha11 be wall-mounte:l or pole-mounted, ~aiL-h <br />a maximum height of eight t3j .Feet alcove grade®" <br />'T'hat Sect$.on 4 entit.lec~. Prohibited Siejaiss there is <br />hereby added a new section numbered !~.9 which shall read a~zd pro- <br />vide as follows: <br />'"Section 4.9. Sign on tlehicles. Any sign c~ahich <br />is ;~a,:-itten upon t~,mpo:~-ar3.1~° or permanently placed. <br /> <br />x - - <br />