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Ordinance No. 19771
City of Eugene
1990s No. 19660-20183
Ordinance No. 19771
Entry Properties
Last modified
6/10/2010 3:46:45 PM
Creation date
11/12/2008 11:53:56 AM
Council Ordinances
concerning manufactured dwellings; amending sections 2.1060, 2.1086, 9.015, 9.384, 9.386, 9.802, 9.804, 9.806, 9.808, 9.810 and 9.820 of the Eugene Code, 1971; adding new section 9.817; repealing sections 9.812, 9.814, 9.816, 9.818
Jeffrey R. Miller
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erty, which conversion i s not required by the exercise of eminent <br />damai n or by order of state or 1 oval agencies; or, the obtaining <br />of a bui ldi ng permit for a structure 1 ocated an a si to previously <br />used as a manufactured dwelling park within the past two years. <br />Disabled person. A person who has, at the time of issuance <br />of a condami n i um conversion permit or manufactured dwel 1 i ng park <br />conversion permit, a mental, emotional or physical disability or <br />illness of more than a temporary duration that: <br />~a} Substantially impairs his/her ability to move about <br />to find or maintain a hvus i ng unit without the use of external <br />aids ~e.g., wheelchair, cane, walker, guide dog} or without <br />another person's assistance, or without pain; ar <br />~ b} Involves the 1 oss of sight or hearing obi 1 i ty, pre- <br />vents normal wa] ki ng ar climbing of stairs, or requires a spe- <br />cial life support system; or <br />~c} Affects his/her ability to make decisions or manage <br />his/her own financial affairs without assistance. <br />A disability must prevent or make it difficult for the person to <br />carry out regular activities of daily living ~e.g., housework, shop- <br />ping, laundry, meal preparation, personal care such as bathing and <br />dressing}. Evidence that would determine the status of disability <br />would include a doctor's certificate, a statement from a health <br />care specialist attesting tv the above criteria, a governmental <br />determination of disability, or a worker's compensation determina- <br />te on of greater than 50 percent di Sabi 1 i ty. <br />Manufactured dwelling. As that term is defined by section <br />9.815 of this code. <br />Manufactured dwel l~,i.,n~ park. As that term i s defined i n sec- <br />tion 9.015 of this~~code.~ <br />Manufactured dwellin ark owner or Park owner. The owner, <br />lessor, sub-lessor or manager of a manufactured dwelling park. <br />Moving ex enses. A sum of money representing the actual costs <br />for moving the tenant's possessions for, where applicable, a <br />tenant's or owner's manufactured dwel 1 i ng} to another 1 acati on <br />within the city ~ f or condominium tenants } or within the urban <br />growth boundary for manufactured dwelling tenants}, exclusive of <br />expenses attributable to packing and unpacking, Far elderly or <br />disabled tenants the reimbursement shall include packing and un- <br />packi ng expenses. In the case of manufactured dwel 1 i ng moving <br />expenses, eligible expenses also include removal and rei nsta1 l a- <br />tion of skirting, disconnecting utilities, disconnecting and remov- <br />e ng awnings and decks from the manufactured dwel 1 i ng, trip perrni t <br />and public i nspecti vn fees, transportation costs, set up charges, <br />ut~l~ty connection expenses and fees, unit improvements to meet <br />destination park standards, unit improvements to meet state struc- <br />tural speciality codes, and temporary housing and meals for the <br />tenant and permanent occupants during unit relocation and set up. <br />The maximum amount of moving expenses shall be set by admi ni stra- <br />ti ve rules issued hereunder. <br />Permit. A condomi ni um conversion permit or manufactured <br />dwel 1 i ng park cl asure permit issued by the city manager under sec- <br />tion 2.lOfifi ar 2.1086 of this code. <br />Rental a regiment. All written or oral agreements, and valid <br />Ordinance - 2 <br />
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