Driveways or walks not more than six inches higher than the
<br />ground on which they rest shal 1 not be considered bui 1 di ngs ,
<br />Manufactured dwell in , A structure constructed for movement
<br />on the public highways that has sleeping, cooking, and plumbing
<br />f acs l a t~ es, that ~ s ~ ntended for human occupancy and that i s being
<br />used for residential purposes, A building ar structure subject to
<br />the structural code or one and two family dwelling code adopted
<br />pursuant to chapter 8 of this code or a uni t identified as a recrea-
<br />tional vehicle by the manufacturer is not a manufactured dwelling.
<br />Manufactured home.
<br />~a} Except as provided in subparagraph ~b}, a manu-
<br />factured dwelling that was constructed after June 1fi, 197fi,
<br />in accordance with federal manufactured housing construction
<br />and safety standards in effect at the time of construction.
<br />fib} As used in sections 9.60 to .9.607, a manufactured
<br />home i s a structure, transportable i n one or more sections,
<br />which is built on a permanent chassis and is designed for use
<br />with or without a permanent foundation when connected to the
<br />required utilities. For floodplain management purposes the
<br />term "manufactured home" also includes park trai 1 ers, travel
<br />trailers, and other similar vehicles placed an a site for
<br />greater than 180 consecutive days, For insurance purposes
<br />the term "manufactured home" does not include park trai 1 ers,
<br />travel trailers, and other similar vehicles.
<br />Mobi 1 e home, A manufactured dwelling that was constructed
<br />between January 1, 1962, and June 15, 1916, and met the construc-
<br />ti on requirements of Oregon mobi 1 e home 1 aw i n effect at the time
<br />of construction,
<br />Manufactured dwell in accessor buildin or structure.
<br />1. Any awning, portable, demountable or permanent
<br />cabana, ramada, carport, porch, skirting or steps established
<br />for use of the occupant of the manufactured dwelling and
<br />which is designed or intended to be attached to and which
<br />depend, in whole or in part, upon the manufactured dwelling
<br />for structural support.
<br />2. Prefabricated and site-built manufactured dwell i ng
<br />accessory bui 1 di ngs and structures not dependent i n who1 a yr
<br />i n part upon the manufactured dwelling for structural support .
<br />Manufactured dwell ,,,n,,,g,_park, Any place where four or more
<br />manufactured dwe~i~l~yi ngs are 1 ocated within 500 feet of one another
<br />on a 1 ot, tract or parcel of land under the same ownersh i p, ~ the
<br />primary purpose of which is to rent space ar keep space for rent
<br />to any person for a charge or fee paid ar to be paid far the
<br />rental or use of facilities or to offer space free in connection
<br />with securing the trade or patronage of such person;
<br />Residential trailer. A manufactured dwelling that was con-
<br />structed before January 1, 1962.
<br />Wrecki n and motor vehicles and bui 1 di n materials . A pre-
<br />mise used for the storage, dismantling or sale of either used motor
<br />vehicles, manufactured dwel 1 i ngs, recreational vehicles, machinery
<br />and/or bui 1 di ng materials, or parts thereof .
<br />Ordinance - 6
<br />