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ORDINANCE N0. 19184 <br />AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING LOCAL IMPROVEMENT ASSISTANCE <br />PROGRAMS AND SEWER USERS; AND AMENDING SECTIONS 7.010, <br />7.190, AND 1.195 OF THE EUGENE CODE, 1971. <br />THE CITY OF EUGENE DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: <br />Section 1. The definitions of "Sanitary sewer user, " "Sewer user, " and <br />"Water user" set forth in Section 1.010 of the Eugene Code, 1971, are amended <br />to provide <br />7.014 Definitions. For purposes of this chapter, the following words <br />and phrases shall have the meanings ascribed to them by this sec- <br />tion: <br />Sanitary sewer user. The owner, Occupant, or other person <br />authorized to request services or responsible for the payment <br />therefor of a foci 1 i ty which discharges directly or indirectly to <br />the city sanitary sewerage system, or has a sanitary sewer avail- <br />abl a as provided i n section fi.070 of this code. <br />Sewer user. The owner, occupant, ar other person authorized <br />to request services or responsible for the payment therefor of a <br />a facility which discharges directly or indirectly to the city <br />sanitary sewerage system, or has a sanitary sewer available as pro- <br />vided i n section fi.070 of this code. <br />Water user. Except for public water districts that purchase <br />water at bulk rates, the owner, occupant, or other person author- <br />i zed to request services or responsible for the payment therefor of <br />any property or facility inside or outside the city using water <br />directly or i ndi rect1y provided by the Eugene Water & E1 ectri c Board <br />or by another water uti 1 i ty or district. <br />Section 2. Subsection ~2} of Section 1.190 of the Eugene Cade, 1911, is <br />amended to provide <br />7,190 Local Improvements -Assessments - Levy and Notice Thereof. <br />~2} Unless otherwise sped f ied b~,,..~_..~~~~ ~~~~~~~_.......__ <br />i s code ar by assessment ordi - <br />nance, reference in this code to making assessment or lien payments in in- <br />stallments shall mean paying the obligation in up to twenty X20} semi-annual <br />installments including principal and interest at the rate set under section <br />2.022 of this code. <br />Section 3 . Section 1.195 of the Eugene Code, 1911, i s amended to pro - <br />Ordinance - 1 <br />