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requirements of sections fi.404 to 6.470 of this code. Whenever <br />such facilities or modifications are required, they shall be con- <br />structed, instal ] ed, operated and maintained at the expense of the <br />~ ndustr~ al user and i n a manner and within the time rescri bed b <br />the cit ~ P y <br />y manager to enable the city to comply with all state and <br />federal regu1 ate ons ar to protect the city sewerage system ar <br />treatment process. The i ndustri a] user shall maintain records i n- <br />d~ cats ng routs ne maintenance check dates, c1 can i ng and waste <br />removal dates and means of disposal of accumulated wastes . Such <br />records shall be retained for a minimum of three years and shall <br />be subject to review i n accordance with subsecti an ~ 1 a of thi s <br />• ... ~~~ <br />sects on. Approval of proposed face l ~ t~ es or modifications by the <br />c~ ty manager w~ 11 not i n any way guarantee that these foci 1 i ti es <br />or modifications wi 11 function i n the required manner or attai n <br />the required results, nor shat 1 i t re] i eve ~ an industrial user of <br />the respons i bi 1 i ty of enlarging or otherwise modi fyi n or re 1 aci n <br />such f ' ' ' ~ ~ g P g <br />acs 1 ~ t~ es to accompl ~ sh the ~ ntended purpose and to meet the <br />applicable standards, 1 i mi tati ons and candi ti ons of sections fi.400 <br />to 6.410 of this code and, i n the case of a permi t holder, the <br />wastewater discharge permit. <br />~d~ . Confidential information. Information and data obtained <br />by the city from reports, questionnaires, permit applications <br />permi is and monitoring programs shall be ova i 1 abl a to the ub~ i c <br />P <br />and other governmental agency es w~ thout restr~ ct~ on unless the <br />industrial user requests i n writing that i t be confidential and <br />demonstrates to the satisfaction of the city manager that such <br />records are exempt from disclosure under the Oregon Public Records <br />law, ORS 192.410, et seg. Notwithstanding anything herein to the <br />contrary, al 1 such data shat 1 be avai 1 abl a at 1 east to the extent <br />necessary, to permit the city manager to ensure compliance with <br />sections 6.400 to 6.470 of this code as well as the requirements of <br />40 CFR section 2.302. When conf i dent i a] i ty i s requested and the <br />right ,thereto i s established by the industrial user, the conf iden- <br />t~ a1 ~ nformati on shat 1 not be made avai 1 abl a for ins ecti on b the <br />. P y <br />publ ~ c but may be made avai 1 abl a upon wry tten request to overn- <br />g <br />mental agencies for uses related to sections 6.400 to 6.410 of this <br />code, the NPDES permit, or pretreatment programs. However, ail <br />portions of a report shall be avai 1 abl a for use by the city, state <br />ar any state agency or federal agency i n judicial or enforcement <br />proceedings involving the person furnishing the report. <br />~ 2 ~ Wastewater d ~,~sch„ar~c,e permits . <br />~a} General, Every significant industrial user shall secure <br />a ewastewater.d~ scharge permit from the city. Any discharge by a <br />s ~ gn ~ f ~ cant ~ ndustr~ al user wi thout a permi t i s a vi o1 ati an of th i s <br />code except as provided i n subparagraph fib} of this subsecti an. <br />~b~ i A~catian. An existing industrial user which wi]1 be- <br />come,a s~gn~f~cant industrial user upon establishing a new point <br />of d~ scharge, or make ng a substanti al change i n the volume or char- <br />acter of ~ is d~ scharge or process, shall apply for a wastewater <br />discharge permit at least 90 days prior to establishin anew dis- <br />. g <br />charge point or making such change ~n discharge or rocess. An <br />such ~ P y <br />acts on by the ~ ndustr~ a1 user wi thout a permi t i s a vi o1 ati on <br />of sections 6.400 to G.410 of this code, Any other existin indus- <br />9 <br />Ord i Hance - 12 <br />