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of the city to cooperate with the state and federal government or <br />to meet any emergency. The permit holder shall be informed of any <br />proposed change i n its permit at 1 east 30 days prior to the of fec- <br />ti ve date of change except i n the event of an emergency. <br />~d} Duration. Permits shall be issued for a speci f i ed time <br />period, not to exceed three years. The permit holder shall apply <br />for permi t rep ssuance a m~ n~mum of 90 days prior to the expiration <br />of its existing permit i f i t desires to continue to discharge, <br />fie} Condi ti ons . Mobi 1 e waste hauler discharge permits shall <br />be expressly subject to all provisions of sections fi.400 to 6.410 <br />of this code . Mobile waste hauler permits shall contain the <br />following conditions: <br />1, Payment of applicable fees; <br />2. lima is on the average and maximum discharge of <br />restricted substances; <br />3. Limits on average and maximum rate and time of di s- <br />charge or requirements for flow regu1 ati ons and equal i Zati on; <br />4. Compliance schedules; <br />5, Requirements for submission of technical reports or <br />discharge reports; <br />6. Requirements ,for notification of the city of any new <br />~ ntraduct ~ on of restr~ cted substances ar any substantial <br />change i n the val ume or character of the wastewater or any <br />restricted substances being discharged; <br />1, Requirements that the permit holder notify the city <br />of any disposal of wastewater i n excess of 500 gallons to any <br />other person i n any period of 1 ~ consecutive calendar months; <br />8. Requirements for insurance coverage for all acti vi - <br />ties subject to the provisions of sections 6.40o to fi.410 of <br />this code; <br />9. Requirements that the permit hot der retai n a copy of <br />a val ~ d mobs 1 e waste hauler d~ scharge permit i n each vehi cl e <br />used for transportation of wastewater, and present that permi t <br />to any emp1 oyee of the city authorized to inspect the mobil e <br />waste hauler discharge permit; <br />14. Requirements that the permit holder present a mani - <br />fest of or~g~n of all wastewater proposed for discharge; <br />11. Requirements that the permit holder discharge only <br />at the des ~ gnated d ~ scharge point and at designated times ; <br />1Z. Requirements that the permit holder remove or other- <br />wi se clean up al 1 spilled mates al or waste after discharge <br />and that the permit hot der agree to pay any public agency <br />which provides assistance in such clean up ar which performs <br />such clean up after a failure by the permit holder to comply, <br />an amount representing twice the amount of the actual expendi - <br />tures of the public agency for 1 abo.r and materials necessary <br />to clean any spi 11 ed waste; <br />13. Requirements that the permit holder apply in writ- <br />i ng on approved forms for permission to discharge any waste- <br />water containing any restricted substance or wastewater con- <br />taining any substances other than domestic or septage waste <br />and provide the operator of the treatment f ac i 1 i ty at 1 east <br />24 hours' notice of proposed time of delivery of any such <br />Ordinance - ~8 <br />