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<br />\. . <br /> <br />Development of the subject property n1ay occur only after site review pursuant to Springfield <br />Development Code, SDC Article 31, \\'hich requires that the design of the proposed <br />development, as conditioned, "mitigates identified negative impacts and resolves identified land <br />use conflicts, If including those identified here. 31.060(3). Each site plan review application <br />must include a written description of the developlnent proposal and a site inventory map showing <br />slopes, natural features, and existing public facilities. The de\'elopment plan nlust show how <br />natural features will be modified by construction activity, showing building footprints and <br />. elevations as w~!l as l?ar~ing and circulation, public ilnprovenlents, drainage, and landscaping. <br />Site review approval of "a specific development proposal on this site will require that the <br />applicable resource protection policies of the I\1etro Plan be addressed, and that appropriate <br />protection be afforded. Accordingly, the site can only be developed after implementation of the <br />plan's acknowledged program to achieve the purposes of Goal 5. <br /> <br />In addition, all wetlands falling under the jurisdiction of the Division of State Lands and/or the <br />Corps of Engineers will be protected as required by applicable state and federal laws and <br />regulations. The forested \vetland, drainage ditch, and \vet meadow area identified in the EDA <br />Study as "the most significant wetland resource area" on the site has been identified on the <br />applicant's conceptual plan (copy attached) as "Enhanced Wetland" and shall be fully protected <br />under any development plan that is approved. <br /> <br />Goal 6 - Air, 'Vater and Land Resources Quality. This goal requires that local <br />comprehensive plans and implementing measures be consistent with state and federal regulations <br />.governing air, water, and land resources quality. An LRAP A analysis of emissions from. the <br />nearby industrial area confirms that those industries are operating within existing safety standards <br />and that exposures on the site are \\'ell below those standards. .In addition, the application, as <br />modified, calls for an industrial buffer area east of the only existing heavy industrial facility near <br />the site, the Neste ~esin plant. This area \vill be designated for Light-Medium Industrial use, <br />excluding all residential uses and permitting only light manufacturing, assembly, and warehouse <br />type uses, providing both a buffer and a logical transition. Based upon the models which <br />LRAP A has developed, the proposed buffer \vill provide far lTIOre protection to the residents of <br />Springwood than is required by any applicable statute or regulation. It will provide many times <br />t~e p.rotection afforded to plant workers under federal law. And it will provide substantially <br />more separation from Springwood than is currently enjoyed by residents of the trailer park just <br />north of the plant. The matrices and printouts that LRAP A has provided project potential <br />concentrations of formaldehyde in the air at various distances to the east of the plant when the <br />wind is blowing from the west. The 111atrix specifies 14 wind speeds and 6 air stability levels. <br />At any specific distance and direction, the projected concentration would exist only when the <br />wind was blowing in that direction at the specified speed under the specified air stability <br />conditions. <br /> <br />3 <br />