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ORDINANCE NO. /q~/ <br />An ordinance vacating the following described alley, to-wit: <br />The alley between 15th and 17th Avenues and Mvss and <br />Columbia Streets, consisting of a 20-foot wide strip <br />which bisects, in a north-south direction, the half block <br />bounded by Columbia Street, Moss Street, East 15th Avenue <br />and East 17th Avenue. The subject property is delineated <br />on the Amended Plat of Fairmount as recorded in Book Two <br />and Page 12 of the Lane County Plat Records. Assessor's <br />maps show the property located within Block 14 and <br />bordered by tax lots 100, 500 and 800 to the east and tax <br />lot 800 to the west, all in Eugene, Lane County, oregon. <br />University of oregon, AV 91-002 <br />RESERVING herein an easement for public utility purposes <br />over, under, and across the easterly five feet and the <br />southerly 200 feet of the above described property, and <br />the right tv enter thereupon for purposes of <br />construction, reconstruction and maintenance. <br />on the 9th day of September, 1991, the City Council of the <br />City of Eugene by Motion duly passed, called a public hearing to <br />be held at 7:30 p.m., Pacific Time on the 14th day of Dctober, <br />1991, at the Council Chambers at City Hall, Eugene, oregon, at <br />which time and place protests and remonstrances could be heard as <br />to the proposed vacation of the above described alley. <br />Notice was duly and regularly given of the hearing and at said <br />time and place the Council, upon Motion duly passed, postponed the <br />hearing to a date certain of December 2, 1991 at 7:30 p.m. Pacific <br />Time, at the Council Chambers, City Hall, Eugene, oregon, and at <br />that time and place the Council heard all objections tv the <br />proposed vacation, <br />All persons owning property abutting the alley to be vacated <br />have consented to the vacation and applied for the same. <br />THE CITY OF EtiGENE DOES oRDAIN As FOLLOWS: <br />Section i. The City Council of the City of Eugene finds that <br />ordinance - l <br />