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cars stopping at crossings shall not obstruct the cross-streets of said City <br />and longer than five minutes at any one time. <br />Section fi. All the rights herein granting a franchise to the BURLINGTON <br />NORTHERN RAILROAD COMPANY upon and over the streets and places described in <br />Section 1 shall continue and be in full force and effect for ten CIO} years <br />from and after the date of the final approval of this ordinance. <br />Section 1. ~A11 franchises or rights herein granted are upon the condi- <br />tion that BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD COMPANY, its successors or assigns, <br />shall, within thirty X30} days from the time this ordinance is approved by <br />the Mayar, or otherwise takes effect, file with the City Recorder a written <br />acceptance of its provisions. <br />Section 8. As compensation to the City for the rights and privileges <br />granted by this ordinance, and in order to secure to the City adequate ser- <br />vice, BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD COMPANY, its successors or assigns, shall <br />pay to the City annually during the life of the franchise granted by this <br />ordinance, a flat fee of six-hundred dollars ~$fio4} per year, payments to be <br />made within one hundred 'eighty ~ I80} days after the close of each calendar <br />year. A flat fee is used in this franchise because of the difficulty of <br />calculating a franchise fee based on the gross income of the BURLINGTON <br />NORTHERN RAILROAD COMPANY. Such compensation shall not be in lieu of or a <br />credit against any ad valorem or business tax, special assessment, or permit <br />or inspection fees required by the construction code, or other ordinances of <br />the City. <br />Section 9. The franchise granted by this ordinance is hereby declared <br />to be subject to the provisions of Section 43 of the Eugene Charter of I91fi, <br />providing that the price to be paid by the City upon the acquisition of any <br />