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CC Minutes - 07/28/08 Meeting
City of Eugene
Council Minutes
CC Minutes - 07/28/08 Meeting
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City Council Minutes
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because the University intended to use the parking there for the arena. He invited the council to explain to <br />him why it had changed its mind. <br /> <br />Mayor Piercy closed the Public Forum. In regard to the downtown issue raised by Mr. Torrey, she said that <br />she had sent a message to the City’s Human Rights Commission (HRC) and the organization Clergy and <br />Laity Concerned (CALC) about the potential of those entities doing public education about how unaccept- <br />able such behavior was in Eugene. She had suggested the HRC and CALC could lead in that regard given <br />their past roles. She had received a good response to her inquiries and was hopeful about future action. <br />Mayor Piercy thought that prolonged action would be necessary to create change. She said she was willing <br />to be part of the community that stood up for Ms. Snowden. <br /> <br />Councilor Taylor likened the downtown exclusion ordinance to the county’s response to the events of <br />September 11, 2001, which resulted in a war in Iraq rather than a solution to the actual problem. She <br />thought the council needed to look for what was causing the problem and who was causing the problem <br />rather than punishing large groups of people. She was also interested in the concerns shared by the residents <br />of the Crest-Storey area. Councilor Taylor asked if the council could approve a street designation without <br />input from the Planning Commission. <br /> <br />City Manager Jon Ruiz referred Councilor Taylor’s question to City Attorney Glenn Klein. He recalled that <br />another element of the discussion was a funding source for the improvements being contemplated; the <br />neighborhood was not interested in having the streets designated as collectors, which would make the streets <br />eligible for the use of systems development charges (SDCs). Staff continued to examine that issue. <br /> <br />City Attorney Klein said that the street designation involved a plan amendment, which must first be <br />processed by the City’s Planning Commission. City Manager Ruiz indicated he told the neighbors no <br />Planning Commission process was needed in error. Responding to a follow-up question from Councilor <br />Taylor, City Manager Ruiz said he would find out when the Planning Commission would consider the <br />matter. Councilor Taylor hoped the process could commence soon, and noted the long process the neighbors <br />had already gone through. <br /> <br />Councilor Clark expressed appreciation to those who testified and, speaking to the comments of Councilor <br />Taylor, said he worked downtown and the problems downtown were clear to him and others who worked <br />downtown, and the proposed exclusion ordinance was a clear and specific attempt to respond to those <br />problems. He invited further debate on the issue. He thanked the mayor for her communication with the <br />HRC and said the commission, of which he was a member, had worked on the issue quite a while and he <br />expected there was more work to come. He welcomed any citizens’ input and assistance. He invited Ms. <br />Truax to contact him directly. <br /> <br />Councilor Bettman suggested the City could expedite the Planning Commission process to make up for some <br />of the inconvenience suffered by the Crest-Storey area residents. <br /> <br />Councilor Bettman endorsed Ms. Truax’s idea and expressed appreciation to her for it and agreed that <br />people could take turns sitting in front of the store to discourage bad behavior. She volunteered to sign up <br />for a shift and said she would encourage others to do so as well. She encouraged Ms. Truax to contact the <br />council. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />MINUTES—Eugene City Council July 28, 2008 Page 2 <br /> Meeting <br />
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