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Ordinance No. 19833
City of Eugene
1990s No. 19660-20183
Ordinance No. 19833
Entry Properties
Last modified
6/10/2010 3:47:10 PM
Creation date
11/14/2008 2:44:00 PM
Council Ordinances
An ordinance amending the Whiteaker Refinement Plan; and declaring an emergency.
Approved Date
Jeffrey R. Miller
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A special study has been completed and i s attached to the applicant's state- <br />ment. The co~nission concurs with the analysis contained in that study; <br />however, would add the fallowing analysis concerning the affected property <br />1 ocated east of Lincoln Street . This area i nvol ves a stri p of 1 and situated <br />between the 3rd-4th connector street and the railroad tracks and extends <br />nearly to Pearl Street. Most of this area i s vacant except for two bus 1 di ngs <br />done vacant} at the west end and a parki ng lot at the east end. Development <br />i n this area wi 11 thus involve new structures . The concerns that staf f i den - <br />ti f i ed included the future use of the 3rd-4th connector, compati bi 1 i ty with <br />property 1 ocated directly north which i s zoned predominately residents al , and <br />the protection of views of Skinner Butte and the Shelton-McMurphey House. <br />The future use of the 3rd-4th connector i s of particular concern with the City <br />Traffic Engineering Division. There are no current plans for this street. <br />The concerns include possible improvements to city standards, sidewalks, need <br />far additional right-of -way, and general parking and circulation patterns . <br />Depending on the type of development proposed, compatibility could be an <br />issue, parts cut arty with existing multi -family residential development. One <br />apartment complex is situated very close to the 3rd-4th connector. Noise, <br />height, and other relative impacts should be considered. ~n addition, the <br />s ~ to dues conta~ n several 1 arge fir trees which should be given consideration <br />for preservation. In order to address these issues, Section 3, Development <br />Standards, of the proposed district should be amended to i ncl ude a new subsec- <br />tion as follows: <br />~ ~5} Site Revs ew Subdistrict. Any new devel apment shall be reviewed <br />under the Site Review Procedures contained in the Eugene Code, 5ectsons <br />9. fi86-9. fi94 for as amended hereafter} , with the fo11 owi ng specific con- <br />cerns to be addressed during the site review process <br />a. compati bi 1 i ty with the surroundings, parts cul arty when residential <br />in character. Height, setback, and noise are a major concern and <br />its effect an surrounding residential areas. The issue of height <br />shal 1 consider the view of the Shelton -McMurphey House, part i cul arl y <br />views of the structure from Wi 11 amette Street. compati bi 1 i ty shat 1 <br />also address the ref ati onsh i p of new development with the view of <br />Skinner Butte from the general area, particularly from ~lillamette <br />Street. <br />b. Safe and efficient ingress and egress and on-site traffic ci rcul a- <br />tson. This factor includes the review by the City Traffic Engineer <br />of the use of the 3rd-4th connector and may include requirements <br />such as, but not 1 invited to, right-of-way dedication, street im- <br />provements, and sidewalks. <br />c. Due consideration of the preservation of attractive and distinctive <br />natural features. landscaping shal 1 be provided that i s consistent <br />with the character of Skinner Butte, including street trees along <br />the 3rd-4th connector. <br />d. Signs and i 11 umi Hats on i n scale and harmony with the site and area. <br />Findings and Conclusions - 6 Exhibit B <br />
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