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biological agents i n accordance with the procedures set forth i n sections <br />9.696 to 9.122. <br />Bui 1 di ngs and uses existing and legally permitted or permitted con- <br />ditionally as listed in the zoning ordinance on January 21, 1982 are exempt <br />from sections 9.612 to 9.62o pertaining to non-conforming uses. This <br />exemption i s 1 i mi ted to the development site on which the bui 1 d i ngs or uses <br />existed on January 21, 1982. <br />Section 12. Section 9.498 of the Eugene Code, 1911, is amended to pro- <br />vide: <br />9.498 Complaint Procedure and Enforcement. Complaints alleging viola- <br />ti on of home occupation standards shall be directed to the bui l d- <br />ing official and shall state the nature of the alleged violation. The build- <br />ing official shall investigate the complaint and, if necessary to eliminate <br />a violation found to exist, take or cause to be taken lawful action as pro- <br />vi led for i n the Eugene Code, 1911. Furthermore, i f the bui 1 di ng off i ci a1 <br />on his or her own initiation determines that a home occupation i s i n viol a- <br />tion of one or more of the home occupation standards in this code far mare <br />than ten consecutive days, the bui 1 di ng official may suspend that home <br />occupant's registration , <br />Section 13. Subsection ~a} of Section 9.550 of the Eugene Code, 1911, <br />i s amended to provide <br />9.55o Cluster Subdivisions in RA and R-1 Districts. In RA and R-1 <br />districts, the 1 of area, 1 of coverage, and yard requirements may <br />be relaxed i n connection with individual 1 ots or bui 1 d i ng sites created by <br />duly approved, f i 1 ed, and recorded subdivisions of the "c1 aster" type <br />provided that: <br />~a} approval of the proposed level opment plan i s granted by <br />the planning director according to the site review procedures and <br />site review criteria set forth in this code, and <br />Section 14. Subsection ~4} of Section 9.584 of the Eugene Code, 1971, <br />i s amended to provide <br />9.584 Parkins area Desian. <br />~4} When three or more parking spaces ar one or more loading <br />spaces are provided on a development site, except those in conjunction with <br />single family or two family dwellings on a single lot, they all shall be <br />served by a servi ce drive so that no backward movement or other maneuvering <br />of a vehicle within a street, other than an alley, will be required. Ser- <br />vice drives shall be designed and constructed to facilitate the flow of <br />Ordinance - 9 <br />