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Historic property. Any building, site, structure, object, <br />ensemble, 1 andscape feature, thematic group or district that <br />~a~ Is a hi storic 1 andmark; <br />fib} Is the subject of a formal application or initiation <br />for historic landmark deslgnatian; <br />~c} Is listed on the National Register of Historic <br />Places; <br />~d} Is recommended far nomination to the National Reg- <br />ister by the State Advisory Committee on Historic Preserva- <br />tion but has not yet been reviewed by the Keeper of the <br />National Register or has been reviewed by the Keeper of the <br />National Register and was determined "eligible" ; or <br />~ e ~ I s on the same tract as a structure or bui 1 d i ng <br />either designated as a historic landmark or listed on the <br />National Register of Historic Places and contributes to its <br />historic character. <br />Interior. All portions of a historic structure or building <br />that are not part of the exterior and which normally are accessible <br />to the public. <br />Landscape feature. A decorati ve or functional a1 terati on to <br />land ar vegetation, including trees, gardens, hedges, arbors, cano- <br />pi es, walkways, fences, retaining wal 1 s, water features, gazebos, <br />pavill ions, and similar site features. <br />Long-term lessee. A person or entity holding a right to pos- <br />sess i on of a h i stori c 1 andmark under a wri tten 1 ease with an un- <br />expi red term of not 1 ess than five years from the date upon which <br />the revo1 vi ng fund 1 oan i s approved, <br />Maintenance. Upkeep or repair of historic property that does <br />not remove sound historic building materials or change the prop- <br />erty's appearance. <br />Ma 'or new 1 andsca i n . Anew structural 1 andscape feature or <br />significant planting on the site of a historic property. Signifi- <br />cant plantings cover more than 25~ of the area, or grow to over <br />ten feet in height and are located within 25 feet of a historic <br />bui 1 di ng ar structure. <br />New construction . Anew bui 1 d i ng, structure, parking area, <br />or other improvement, on the same tract as a hi stori c 1 andmark, <br />or structure ar property listed on the National Register of Hi s- <br />toric Places. <br />Noncom at i bl a ro ert . Property i n a h i stori c district or <br />ensemble that contains uses or improvements that detract from or <br />are not harmonious with historic properties i n that district or <br />ensemble. <br />Party . As used i n connection wi th a quas i - j ud i c i a1 or admi n - <br />istrative land use hearing ar decision or appeal, "party" means <br />the app1 icant or any person who has timely submitted written or <br />oral comments to the person or body adjudicating a land use appl i- <br />catian, request, or appeal. <br />Planning director. The person designated by the city manager <br />to supervise development and implementation of the city's h i stor i c <br />preservation programs or his/her designee . <br />Rehabilitation. The return of property to a state of utility, <br />through repair or alteration, which makes possible an efficient can <br />Ordinance - 3 <br />