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name of the owner is unknown; and <br />5.3 The sum assessed upon said property, the amount and date <br />from which interest accrues, and the date of entering the same in <br />the docket of City Liens. <br />Section 6. Upon enactment of this ordinance, the City Finance <br />Officer shall send notice of the assessments by first class to the <br />owners of the assessed parcels containing the information required <br />by Section 7.190 of the Eugene Code, 1971, and enclose therewith <br />an application for paying the assessment in installments according <br />to the terms set forth in Section 4 of this ordinance. <br />Section 7. The assessments levied herein are characterized <br />for purposes of the property tax limitation in Section 11b, Art. <br />XI of the Oregon Constitution as assessments for a local improve- <br />ment not subject to the limitation of $10 per thousand of real <br />market value. <br />Section 8. Any assessment remaining unpaid and for which no <br />application for installment payments has been received may be <br />foreclosed as provided by law. The proceeds from the payment or <br />foreclosure of assessments levied by this ordinance shall be <br />deposited to the city funds which advanced the cost of construc- <br />tion, engineering and related expenses ar which are used to retire <br />any indebtedness incurred by the City for this improvement. <br />Section 9. That the matters contained herein affect the <br />public welfare and safety and therefore, an emergency is hereby <br />declared to exist, and this ordinance shall become effective <br />immediately upon its passage by the City Council and approval by <br />ORDINANCE - 5 <br />