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EXHIBIT A <br />WILLAKENZIE AREA PLAN-RELATED METRQ PLAN DIAGRAM AMENDMENTS <br />EVALUATION AND FINDINGS <br />Section 9.18 of the Eugene Code provides the criteria for evalua ' - <br />ments to the ting amend <br />Metro Plan. The following is an evaluation of~the Metro Plan <br />amendments proposed i n the Wi 11 akenzi a Area P1 an i n ref ati on to thus ' <br />ri a. a cry te- <br />Section 9.1~8~2}~a}: The amendment must be consistent with releva <br />nt <br />Statewide Planning Goals adopted by the Land Conservation and Deve <br />meet G 1 °p~ <br />omm~ ss ~ on. <br />Goal 1 - Citizen Involvement <br />Gaa1 1 is intended to insure that citizens have been involved in <br />of the 1 all stages <br />p ann~ng,process. The fallowing summarizes the major citizen involve- <br />ment opportun~t~es ~n the development of the Draft Willakenzie Area <br />Plan. <br />April, 1988 - Planning staff attended nei hborhood you meetin <br />the Cal Y g ~ P gs .for <br />oung and Harlow area ne~ghborhoad assoclat~ons. Those in at- <br />tendance were informed of the upcoming study and encoura ed to ar ' ' <br />ate. g p t~c~ <br />P <br />August, 1988 -Joint neighborhood newsletter mailed to: 1 inte <br />art' } rested <br />p •~es 1~sts of the Cal Young and Harlow neighborhood ar anizations• <br />yes ~ dents and ra ert • g ' ~ } <br />p p y•owners ~n the un~ncorparated portion of the plan- <br />ning area, e.g. those ~n the planning area not re resented b ' <br />boyhood or anizat' P y a ne~gh- <br />• ,g. ion; and 3} all area businesses. The newsletter solic- <br />~ted part~c~pat~on ~n the planning process and on the lanni <br />p ng team, <br />September, 1988 - A11 households and businesses in the tan ` <br />were notified about u comin P n~ng area <br />.p g,effart. A city-wide newsletter, containen <br />~nfarmat~on on the W~1lakenz~e lannin roc g <br />hold P . 9 P ess was mailed to a1i house- <br />s and to W~1lakenz~e area businesses. In that newsletter cit <br />staff solicited partici ation in the ' y <br />P planning process, <br />October, 1988 - Wi1lakenzie Planning Team formed. <br />November, 1988 - Planning team and neighborhood or aniz ' <br />twa "Issues For ~ g at~ons sponsored <br />ums to sol~c~t feedback on issues that the plan should <br />address. <br />December, I98S through August, 1991 - Willakenzie Planni <br />than three daze ng Team met mare <br />n times. A11 meetings were advertised in the Eu ene <br />Register Guard Communit Calendar and g <br />y were open to the public. Meeting <br />agendas contained time far comments from the ublic. <br />P <br />_I_ <br />