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Section 3. That this supplemental budget is prepared in accordance <br />with DRS 294.4801}~a}, which authorizes the formulation of a supplemental <br />budget resulting from "An occurrence or condition which had not been ascer- <br />tained at the time of the preparation of a budget for the current year which <br />requires a change i n financial planning." This supplemental budget was <br />published in accordance with ORS 294.48o~4}~a}. <br />Section 4. This ordinance complies with ORS 294.4505}, and does not <br />authorize an increase in the City's levy of taxes above the amount published <br />in the Annual Budget publication. <br />Section 5. The provisions of this ordinance are necessary for the <br />purpose of protecting the public health, safety and welfare, and therefore an <br />emergency is declared to exist, and this ordinance shall become effective <br />immediately upon its passage by the City Council and approval by the Mayor. <br />Passed by the City Council <br />this 7th day of December, 1992 <br />Approved by the Mayor <br />this 7th day of December, 1992 <br />l--•.._ <br />City Recorder <br />r? <br />f <br />~,-- <br />,~ <br />yor <br />DRD~NANCE -- Page 1 <br />*US GR FNGMORD2 <br />