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ORDINANCE N0. 19905 <br />AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING METROPOLITAN AREA GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT <br />PROCESSES; AMENDING SECTIONS 9,415, 9.120, 9.124, 9.126, 9.128, <br />9.130, 9.132, 9.134, AND 9.136 OF THE EUGENE CODE, 1911; AND <br />REPEALING SECTION 9.122 OF THAT CODE. <br />THE CITY OF EUGENE DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: <br />Section 1. Section 9.015 of the Eugene Code, 197' 1, i s amended by amending <br />the definitions of "Amendment, " "Home jurisdiction, " "Plan amendment, <br />"Initiation date," "Substantive effect," and "Plan update amendment" set forth <br />therein; by repealing the definitions of "Major plan amendment," "Minor plan <br />amendment," and "Substantial diagram amendment" set forth therein; and by adding <br />a definition for "Metro plan category I I amendment" i n alphabetical order <br />therein, to provide: <br />9.015 Definitions . As used i n this chapter, unless the context requires <br />otherwise, the fol 1 awi ng words and phrases mean : <br />Amendment. Either ~ 1 ~ an amendment to or a change i n the text <br />of chapter 9 of the Eugene Code, 1911, ~2~ an amendment to or change <br />i n the text of the Metro P1 an or a ref i nement plan, or ~3 } a change <br />in zoning designation of a particular lot or lots. <br />Metro p an amend <br />„ ment home jurisdiction. With respect to Metro <br />Plan Cate or ~I amendments,~~~~~~~~th~e genera~~~~~~~~ <br />g y purpose government whose <br />governing body initiated the amendment . With respect to Category <br />I I amendments, the home jurisdiction consists of ~ 1 ~ Eugene for <br />amendments within the city limits, ~2} Eugene and lane County far <br />amendments between the city l units and the urban growth boundary, <br />and ~3} lane County for amendments between the urban growth boundary <br />and the Metro Plan jurisdictional boundary, <br />Metro plan amen„dment ,,,~,,,n,,,Wti ati on date. For privately initiated <br />metro plan amendments, the next January 1 or July 1 fol l owi n the <br />g <br />date a compl ete and accurate application i s submitted to and <br />received by the home jurisdiction . <br />Metro__pl an categ„or„_y~I aa,.me,n,dment,. Any change to the Metro P1 an <br />which ~1} changes the urban growth boundary or the jurisdictional <br />boundary of the Plan; ~2} requires a goal exception to be taken <br />under statewide planning goal 2; ~3~ amends the Plan text, except <br />Ordinance - 1 <br />